Today, Instagram is one of the most popular social networks with over 1 billion monthly users. Social media empowers marketers and brands to tap into this audience pool.
However, it is not so easy now to establish your presence on Instagram and quickly gain followers. It’s also not the best option to buy Instagram followers. It’s a process that takes time, but with a little help, you can see results faster. Here are 10 tips for getting more Instagram followers that are targeted and relevant to your brand.
- Prepare for the audience engagement
Before moving on to an overview of ways to recruit Instagram followers, let’s set a goal. It’s easy to do – just answer the question: “Why do I need an audience?” To keep things simple, let’s take a look at the most common goals that Instagram users pursue.
What do you need subscribers for:
- Bloggers with an audience make money: they sell ads or their products (courses, consultations, books). The more subscribers, the higher the cost of one advertising publication. For example, an Instagram blogger with an audience of 100,000 people can earn from 50,000 rubles a month.
- Business promotion. Owners of online stores, cafes, bookstores, beauty salons can attract customers to their business through Instagram. The advantage of this social network is that almost any niche can be promoted here – from a private craftsman who repairs household appliances to a factory that produces and sells bricks.
- Promotion of a personal brand. Are you an expert in a particular field? With the help of an Instagram account, you can pump your personal brand. People will know you as a good psychologist, business coach, or writer.
- Promotion of creativity. Write poetry, paint pictures, compose music? Instagram is a great platform for promoting your creativity.
- Make a beautiful design
The first step is to create a beautiful profile design. This can be attributed to the preparatory stage. Account packaging affects subscription conversions.
How to design a profile:
- Upload a beautiful avatar – for example, a company logo (for a business account) or a personal photo (for a personal blog).
- Come up with a memorable nickname. It should reflect the theme of your profile.
- Make a Profile Description – Briefly tell about yourself or your business.
- Add an active link – if you have a personal website, blog.
- Use hashtags
Add hashtags to every post. But don’t overdo it: 5-6 tags should be enough. Also, use only targeted hashtags: for example, if the photo shows the Eiffel Tower, then you do not need to list all the famous world landmarks in tags. This is deceiving the audience.
Also, try to avoid generic hashtags that are not related to any topic. Most likely, your post will simply get lost among thousands of other posts.
- Publish quality content
Focus on content. Write captivating texts, upload vibrant photos that grab attention. Your posts should stand out from the competition.
Therefore, pay attention to the visual component – even if it is a picture from a free stock photo. High-quality content is the key to successful promotion on Instagram.
Interesting posts end up in Instagram recommendations. This increases organic audience growth.
- Mass following and mass liking
Mass following and mass liking are recruiting an audience through performing massive actions. You follow other people and like their posts. They, in turn, subscribe to you.
You can perform these steps manually. The main thing is to respect the Instagram limits. At the same time, the manual method has one drawback – it takes a lot of time.
- Conduct contests and sweepstakes
When you get the first audience – 500-600 subscribers – run contests. You can raffle any prize among the subscribers: a new smartphone, a signal, a book or a consultation.
If you are a business owner, then act out your product or service. Think about the terms of participation: as a rule, people should subscribe to your account and leave a comment under the contest post.
To increase audience reach, have draw participants tag their friends under the competition post.
- Create a content plan
One of the biggest headaches for Instagram bloggers is the lack of posting ideas. The content plan will help solve this problem.
Make a publication plan 2-3 weeks in advance. To do this, write down all ideas in a separate text document or table. This will keep you focusing on content creation rather than constantly searching for topics for posts.
How to make a content plan:
- Read thematic blogs. You can always find a lot of ideas for posts there.
- Analyze your competitors. See what kind of posts they write.
- Explore the forums. Find out what “pains” your target audience has.
- Analyze your competitors
Keep an eye on your competitors constantly. For example, create a second account and subscribe to all competitors.
See what posts they publish – maybe some posts will be of interest to you and you will add them to your content plan. Just don’t copy their posts one to one: try to make them as unique as possible.
Study the reaction of the audience of competitors to their publications; analyze what methods they use to attract new subscribers.
- Mark a geolocation
Geolocation on Instagram is a useful marketing tool to help you promote your business. The owner of a coffee shop, bookstore (or any other establishment) can mark his offline point on the map. This will increase your post reach and account traffic.
Instagram’s algorithm works as follows: the more often users use geotagging, the higher it rises in the search results in the category of similar tags.
To increase your audience reach, mark the publication’s geolocation. For example, the city or area where the photo was taken. This will attract subscribers who live in the specified city or area.
Moreover, you can create your own geolocation – for example, mark the location of your fitness center or beauty salon on the map.
- Comment on other people’s posts
Write comments under other people’s publications. But don’t spam. Try to write a meaningful text that relates to the topic of the post. Share your opinion or disagree with the author – but no offense.
People who like your constructive comment will be redirected to your profile. And, if they are interested in the content, they will subscribe.
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