We all have days (or weeks) when our desire to be productive seems nonexistent. Unfortunately, we also have deadlines that need to be met, and a lack of motivation is no excuse for incomplete projects.
During these temporary slumps, it can be helpful to have a go-to activity, exercise, or technique for quickly recharging and restoring our energy to work on a certain project. Not sure where to begin? Follow these suggestions from the members of Young Entrepreneur Council when you need to give yourself a motivational boost.
1. Take a Break
Sometimes, the answer to the problem you’re trying to solve requires a change of mindset or a break. It’s important to know when your body/mind needs a break, and then take it. Feeling stuck on a problem is very taxing and can hurt your motivation, but taking a break and coming back with an inspired solution can drastically boost your motivation to resolve the problem at hand. – Andy Karuza, FenSens
2. Lift Weights
If I’m feeling sluggish or unmotivated, the best pick-me-up I’ve found is to lift weights. Whether it’s a short session of dumbbell arm curls at the office or a full set of deadlifts at the gym, encountering heavy resistance gives me the confidence to accomplish difficult tasks. I recommend everyone look into a basic strength training routine if they’re looking for positive motivation. – Bryce Welker, Beat The CPA
3. Listen to a Motivational Podcast
Sometimes, the voice of someone through a podcast is enough to give me motivation when I can’t seem to find it on my own. There are several podcasts out there made specifically to motivate you to reach your goals and get moving for the day. One of my favorites is called Motivational Mornings, and it helps me get in the right mindset for the day. – Thomas Griffin, OptinMonster
4. Huddle Up With Your Team
Nothing motivates and inspires me like my team. When I feel stuck or lose the context for the work we’re doing, I huddle up with my team. We dream, come up with solutions, and come up with new ideas. We get excited together about what we could build. Not only does it motivate me to keep working, but it gives them a chance to participate and feel ownership over what we’re doing. – Jessica Gonzalez, InCharged
5. Turn Off Your Phone
If I need to get in the zone and get motivated, I’ll turn off my phone for a few hours. We tend to get distracted every time we get a text or push notification, and I find it much easier to stay motivated when I don’t have my phone buzzing every couple of minutes. – David Henzel, LTVPlus
6. Take a Nap
I like naps because they give me time to decompress and feel mentally and physically refreshed. Now that they are not taboo anymore and are even recommended, I enjoy them even more. – Serenity Gibbons, NAACP
7. Play Music
I play the bass, so for me, picking it up and playing is a great way to boost my motivation. I can forget about what I’m doing or working on at the moment and just play. Doing something creative that’s unrelated to business always lifts my mood and refreshes my mind. – John Turner, SeedProd LLC
8. Go for a Run
The more clear-ended and relaxed you are, the more productive you will be. Going for a run or a walk releases those feel-good chemicals in the brain that improve your mood. Getting your blood pumping allows you to free your mind, boost your energy, and motivate you to attack looming business duties. – Blair Thomas, eMerchantBroker
9. Practice Yoga
Yoga is a form of meditation that keeps you connected and in tune with your body, no matter how stressed you get about work. I used to be impatient with it and think it was a waste of time, but taking time out of my day to concentrate has made all the difference in how I decompress and get ready for the work week. – Chris Christoff, MonsterInsights
10. Go to a Show
Living in Los Angeles, I am surrounded by talented people at the top of their game. If I feel like my motivation is dipping, I catch a show — music, comedy, art or whatever is happening that given week. Seeing passionate people outside of my industry succeed at what they do is always motivating. It makes me want to work harder and take bigger risks. – Colbey Pfund, LFNT Distribution
11. Read a Chapter of a Book
When I find my mind wandering and motivation wavering, I like to pick up a book and read a chapter – bonus points if the book is business-themed. Reading helps me find my focus and gives me the motivation I need to proceed with my work for the day. I’d much rather miss out on 20 minutes while reading a chapter of a book compared to three hours of time where I’m distracted and not productive. – Blair Williams, MemberPress
12. Meditate
I believe in the power of meditation and mindful thinking processes. It rests my brain and calms me down if stress starts to damper my motivation. It doesn’t take a lot of time and doesn’t need any special equipment or space. – Peter Daisyme, Hostt
13. Spend Time With Innovative People
When I need a boost or inspiration, I love interacting with other ambitious and energetic entrepreneurs. Hearing what others are doing in their businesses, and even hearing about the challenges they are facing, somehow gets me pumped about meeting my own goals for my business. Nothing feels quite as amazing as sharing in the success of others who are truly energized by their own ingenuity. – Joey Kercher, Air Fresh Marketing
14. Walk
There’s something about a short walk outdoors that does wonders for boosting motivation. Whenever I need a pick-me-up, getting some fresh air and some light exercise always calms me down, clears my mind, and allows me to think about things in a different way. – Stephanie Wells, Formidable Forms
15. Take Some Deep Breaths
I’m not too big on meditation, but I’ve found that many of the breathing techniques used in the process help me get motivated when I’ve been working for an extended period of time. I think the combination of focusing on my breathing, and that extra oxygen to the brain, helps me focus and stay motivated. – Syed Balkhi, WPBeginner
These answers are provided by Young Entrepreneur Council (YEC), an invite-only organization comprised of the world’s most successful young entrepreneurs. YEC members represent nearly every industry, generate billions of dollars in revenue each year, and have created tens of thousands of jobs. Learn more at yec.co.
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