For many of us our external environment can have a great impact on our financial outcomes. Sometimes we can feel trapped or stuck, believing that we’re unable to move past what’s in front of us, when our circumstances don’t align with the level of success we want for ourselves.
Meet Jacobie Hawkins, an entrepreneur and trader who has built a thriving business centred around sharing his blueprint for success with the masses, helping individuals in difficult circumstances turn their trials into triumphs by taking that first step towards a better financial future.
Jacobie was born and raised in Alabama, in one of the smallest cities in Birmingham called Roebuck. He attended Troy University, graduating with his degree in Criminal Justice. Never having worked a traditional employment, Jacobie was primed for a life of entrepreneurship by his vision of success that saw far beyond his current circumstances, to an affluent future for himself and his family.
It was at the end of 2019, that Jacobie was introduced to new information that would allow him to gain the financial means to really make an impact on his own life and the lives of others – network marketing and trading in the financial markets. With this new opportunity, Jacobie dedicated his time and efforts to mastering the skills required to create his own business called Sick of Struggling (SOS) Investments.
To date, through SOS Investments, Jacobie has impacted over 3000 people providing the tools and resources to learn the skill set of trading, and the mentorship to become successful entrepreneurs building their own businesses.
When discussing the concept behind his business, Jacobie says:
I consider myself to be a problem solver. The biggest problem that people have in this day and age is with money – how to make it, and when they have it, how to invest it. So I’m showing people a new way to generate income that they may never have considered or even knew was possible.
In an industry where building relationships and trust is the foundation for future success and growth, Jacobie sets himself apart from other network marketers through his astounding knowledge of the financial market – particularly his advanced understanding of the chart patterns of Gold. Jacobie shares his own blueprint for success through his trades. He provides real market signals to help other traders learn the skill through replication of his technique and personal coaching on his analysis.
“Gaining credibility in the beginning was one of the biggest challenges. It’s one thing to say that you’re trading and investing but it’s another thing to be actually doing it, especially doing it for yourself. To build that trust amongst my business partners I needed to give them something replicable by showcasing my skill sets in the markets and helping people profit off of that. I took a lot of time to study gold and soon I had the results to show for it. I know that not everyone will be able to read the charts the way I do, but I thought maybe if I can just tell them to buy it right now because I’m buying it, we can make money together. And that’s exactly what I did – give my students in SOS Investing Group the chance to soak up that knowledge, taking those trades and learning from them,” says Jacobie.
Coming from a neighbourhood where crime rates and gang affiliation is high, Jacobie wants to show others that there are ways to make something of yourself and become successful, without resorting to what we see in our environment. Jacobie is leading by example in turning the obstacles from his adolescence into opportunities and says it just takes an open mind and the willingness to make positive changes to your lifestlye, to find your way to success.
“I do have pride in being from Birmingham, but it’s definitely a rough area, there’s a lot of gun violence, and it’s hard not to become a product of your environment. When I was introduced to this opportunity, I decided that I’m going to go all in to show people that there’s another way to make it out of this. Coming into the investing world myself, it was hard because I didn’t know anything about it. Most of my friends didn’t understand what I was doing. It’s hard going through change, but it’s harder going through it alone. I’m doing better for myself so that I can introduce them and anyone who was in my shoes to something better,” says Jacobie.
While a large portion of the focus in SOS Investments is placed on attaining financial security, Jacobie places just as much emphasis on ensuring that his team is in the right space mentally. Jacobie says that losing his grandmother was a pivotal moment in his journey that strengthened his belief in his vision of success, and reinforced in him the importance of keeping our gratitude and faith at the centre of everything that we do.
“On a typical day, I’m always checking in with my team. It’s not just about trading or making money, it’s about making sure their head is okay. Whatever they’re dealing with outside of this business, if I can help them with that then I will. I tell people that when they join this business, they inherit me – that means I’m here to make sure not only their money is right, but their mind is right,” says Jacobie.
As Jacobie continues to build his business and lead new and aspiring entrepreneurs to the top, the name of his business, SOS Investments speaks for itself – if we’re sick of struggling through circumstances that seem out of our control, Jacobie’s parting words of advice are some that all of us should remember to help us take that first step towards a brighter tomorrow:
My mentor always says ‘if you’re going through hell, why stay there?’ If your back is against the wall, if you take that one step, you’re not against the wall anymore. If you’re at your lowest point, if you stand up, you’re doing better because you’re off the ground. Just keep going – longevity is going to win most if not all of our battles.
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