We remember being on the rooftop of the Roosevelt Hotel in Hollywood and that feeling of scarcity and having to decide whether we were going to join Tai Lopez’s High Level Business Builder Mastermind. Our hearts were pumping, adrenaline rushing, that little voice called “fear” telling us don’t, but our gut and hearts telling us yes, now is the time.
If you are a business owner or entrepreneur, you know exactly the feeling we are talking about. Twenty-five thousand dollars might not seem like a lot to some people, but for us it is. The fear of losing money will always be there, but some amazing opportunities only come once in a great while.
This was our opportunity to take our business and our personal brand to the next level and the return on investment has paid off immensely.
You always must be both a student and teacher to operate a successful business. Make sure to write this down.
Overcoming Fear
If you look back at all the amazing entrepreneur’s, at some point they took that leap of faith and made a big decision for themselves and their businesses and many of them most likely joined high level masterminds or had amazing mentors. Some people fail, some prevail, but most importantly, the great ones look at it as a learning lesson and part of their journey. If you live in fear all your life as a business owner or entrepreneur then this is not the right path for you.
You must take huge risks and know that the return on investment will come back double. If it doesn’t, at least you tried your best and rolled the dice.
It took us about five years with our business to really take that next big step towards scaling it. At some point, you hit a wall or a plateau in business. Most businesses have seasons, but always remember what Mark Cuban says, “There is no off-season in business.”
To break through this plateau, you must roll the dice with your business somehow. You must believe in the gift you have to offer the world. You also must surround yourself with like-minded people that have been through the trenches and overcome all the obstacles you might face in your journey.
Fear is an imaginary wall in your head. All you must do is walk right through that imaginary wall and trust that making a big investment in your business, like a high-level mastermind, will take you and your business to the next level and then some.
Building a Powerful Network
One area that is often overlooked when joining a high-level mastermind is building a high-powered network. Your network is your net worth. One of our mentors, Christopher Kai, taught us the importance of building a high-powered network not only for the short game, but more importantly for the long game. You must think bigger and put yourself out there more, most people are not going to come to you. Your biggest breakthrough could come from building a powerful network such as joint ventures, building an “A” team, or getting that one idea you needed. The opportunities are endless.
We knew if we signed up for Tai Lopez’s mastermind that we would get access to his network, team, learn from his mistakes, meet amazing like-minded people, and have this powerful community built forever.
We have met some amazing people from all over the globe that we now consider friends. It’s a special bond. Joining a high-level mastermind puts you in the driver seat for many opportunities. We cannot stress this enough, but please don’t think that once you join one the red carpet is rolled out for you, you still must take relentless action each day.
Gaining Tools, Knowledge, and Wisdom
Picture a construction worker’s tool belt. A good construction worker should have a hammer, tape measurer, wrench, etc. This way, if he needs to use one of those tools he will have it handy. Now think about your personal knowledge and wisdom tool belt and how much more you can add to that tool belt by being part of a mastermind.
Do you want to be the person that has one or two pieces of wisdom or ten great pieces of wisdom?
Our life coach said, “Seek internal wisdom outside of external wisdom.”
What he meant was you can read all the books in the world, watch all the YouTube videos, listen to all the podcasts, but you need to be in touch with developing your internal wisdom as well. Internal wisdom comes from traveling, life experiences, reflecting, giving back, failing, winning, masterminds, mentors, and from coaches.
Let us give you an example. We coach clients all around the world, helping them attain the physiques of their dreams. We worked with three of whom we consider the best physique coaches in the world.
Because we wanted their wisdom, their knowledge, and we wanted to add the same to our tool belts.
You see, when you have a great tool belt that has knowledge, internal and external wisdom, life experiences, and lessons from mentors, there’s something to say about feeling like a bad ass.
Think about the tools, knowledge, and wisdom you can add to your own tool belt from a high-level mastermind, it can be game changing.
Wrapping This Up
At the end of the day, we are not trying to persuade you to jump into a high-level mastermind or saying you cannot be successful without one. We are sharing our experience, wisdom, and what we have acquired from joining a high-level mastermind this past year.
We were once in your shoes having fear hold us back and making excuses about the money and having no return on investment potentially. We wanted a powerful network and we knew we had to take this next step. Now we have a very powerful network and a group of close friends that can help us with fresh ideas when we hit a plateau.
The tools, knowledge, and wisdom we have gained is priceless!
Today, we are better business owners, smarter entrepreneurs with a crystal-clear vision, and most importantly, we are better students and teachers due to joining a high-level mastermind and will continue to join more masterminds going forward.
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