Have you ever wanted to cash in on the massive mobile industry and create an app that gets thousands of daily downloads and simply cashes in on its massive user base? Of, course you do – we all do!
The good news is, there are plenty of online courses, guides, and software applications to help you create your first mobile app. In fact, you can get started with this excellent article right on Influencive.
Since there are so many resources and guides already out there on how to create an app, we’re going to instead focus on what it takes to create a successful one. Read through each of the great case studies below and use what they’ve learned to create a top mobile application of your own!
That’s Right App – Give the People What They Want!
When it comes to creating a mobile app, it’s not just about having a great interface, idea, and design… it’s also about gaining the attention of your audience and getting them to actually use the application time and time again. With most applications getting downloaded and deleted with less than ten uses, this is a key trait of winning apps.
A perfect example of a mobile app that is doing this right, is That’s Right, which has surpassed 35,000 downloads in its first two weeks and rewarded users with over $50,000 in cash. This, of course, comes as no big surprise, as everyone wants to win money for playing games on their mobile device!
The online live game show app world has seen explosive growth with the advent of greater interaction through mobile devices. As mentioned earlier, it’s not just about creating an app; it’s about getting creative and giving the people what they want. This often tends to be the result when the founder of a company, or the creator of an app, is an actual user or gamer.
Orkan Arat, CEO and Founder of That’s Right, has always had a passion for game shows and was able to turn his expertise and passion into real life through his revolutionary application. Unlike other cash giveaway apps, That’s Right allows users to participate wherever they are, since the show occurs live once a day.
The end result is a massive viral success that not only continues to increase in daily downloads but also continues to generate money for both the game developers and its users as well.
Flappy Bird Game App – A Cult Classic for Years to Come!
Games are one of the most popular applications that are downloaded on mobile devices. Not only are they often downloaded, but they are also some of the most used. As mentioned earlier, many apps are downloaded, deleted, and never used again.
The name Flappy Bird will likely resonate with many app developers and entrepreneurs around the world, as it became a well-known name when word broke that the free application was generating upwards of $50,000 a day from in-app advertisements. The game was released in May 2013 but received a sudden rise in popularity in early 2014, and also has its own Wikipedia page.
While some applications could run up costs into the millions, Dong was able to throw in that his super simplistic game took only seven days to create. The crazy part of this story is that the Vietnamese video game artist and programmer Dong Nguyen decided to pull the game from the iTunes store, as the money it was generating was just too much for him to deal with!
Once the application was removed from iTunes, mobile devices with the game installed were then listed for sale online through sites like eBay and were selling for thousands. The game instantly became a cult classic and will likely be discussed for many years to come.
You can read the full story on Flappy Bird and it’s ‘overnight’ journey of success and disappearance here. The game is no longer available for download, and since Flappy Bird came out, there have been hundreds of copycat games and applications, trying to piggyback off its success.
600 Apps Created… No Coding or Design Skills Required
If you currently have a mobile application live for download, congrats! If not, you’ve likely thought about having one created. One of the most common reasons for not having one live is not knowing how to code.
What if I told you that someone who created 600+ mobile app games was only 24-years old and generated roughly a million dollars in the process? It’s true, and you can read the full story here!
As Cult of Mac reports, “John Hayward-Mayhew is one of the most prolific iOS developers ever to peddle a blackjack game. Over the past four years, the 25-year-old entrepreneur flooded the App Store with an astonishing 600 separate apps — everything from endless runners such as Dangerous Caveman Bum Runner to dentistry games like Emergency Dentist Race — raking in close to $1 million in the process.”
Jump forward to today and you will still find John is having great success in the world of mobile applications. In fact, his downloads have now surpassed over 25 million downloads! Sure, there have been some ups and downs along the way, but what industry doesn’t have them? It’s all about adapting to the environment around you and implementing new ideas.
A lesson from the John Hayward-Mayhew story is that trends come and go, so always make sure you are working on your next big idea – and also, when working with a developer, make sure you both have a standard agreement and price in mind. This will save time and money in the long run.
The Future of Mobile Apps and Where We Are Headed
After hearing news of this, I’m sure you are quite interested in creating an app of your own.
Before jumping into the world of mobile apps and gaming, be sure to study the competition and see what people are downloading. Also take the time to read through the reviews and see what people don’t like, and how you might be able to create something even better!
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