3 Success Tips From a Serial Entrepreneur

In 2020, the “entrepreneurial itch” is copious. For those hit by it, there’s nothing more uplifting than fast-tracking themselves to success. But in the current over-saturated society, with a pool of young entrepreneurs promising disruption, the truth is that only a few among many ultimately make the cut. Who better to seek wisdom from than those who have successfully sailed the stormy oceans of entrepreneurship and emerged victorious? Some, like Daniel Goldsmith, have battled to bring their business from raw lows to remarkable highs in just a few years, and reveal the top tips for success. 

California-based Goldsmith, an entrepreneur and a lead generation specialist who has single-handedly assisted over 250 businesses, states that fervor is fundamental and that, entrepreneurs need to be open to embracing words like “obsessed” and “relentless.” Among many vital takeaways, he recommends the following three for budding entrepreneurs. 

1. Find Passion and Unfollow Everything Else

Nearly every entrepreneur who’s chosen passion over pay-check emphasizes the importance of following personal interests and not a career path. Goldsmith, a 35-year-old mortgage lead generation expert, agrees that deep-seated passion is what separates a visionary entrepreneur from the peers. 

He also believes that “following your passion and succeeding in the field of your choice is a long and painful process. The key is to be genuinely passionate and consistent about what you’re doing and why you’re doing it. Focus on churning out the best, and you’ll be amazed at how the money flows automatically.” 

Goldsmith, who has been at the helm of different businesses, including affiliate marketing, club promotion, advertising, and lead generation throughout his career, adds that it’s essential to discover what one enjoys, and then put that extra effort into it. “When following passion, do not focus only on the money aspect. Enjoy the process, and it’ll lead you to a higher degree of success,” he adds.

2. Set Goals and Avoid Deviating From Them

It’s easier said than done when there are a hundred different tasks and charms in sight, shares Goldsmith. The fact that a solopreneur like Goldsmith has set foot into multiple areas of business and managed to hit the road to success without missing the track shows he is someone who has a plan or idea of what he is building from day one. “Staying focused is difficult. But entrepreneurs that stay true to their products/services and customers, as well as investors, are the ones that are lauded down the road,” says Goldsmith. For up-and-coming entrepreneurs chasing funding, he recommends sticking to the roadmap envisioned instead of changing the route to match customer or investor expectations. At work, Goldsmith says he takes the approach of letting the work speak for himself to ensure staying organized, avoiding mirages, and increasing the chances of success. 

3. Seek Some Form of Mentorship

Goldsmith, who was able to venture into lead generation for auto insurance, social security, and disability companies through the means of guidance from experts in the industry and word of mouth, strongly advises people to find a person who could be a mentor. “I am a firm advocate of having a mentor because why not seek someone’s help or guidance who’s done what you’re about to try your hands on? Their failures and successes can help shape your future,” says Goldsmith. “At different stages, I ensured finding mentors from the same industry. Remember, it’s only a mentor who you can bounce an idea off of and yet not be judged,” he adds. 

The entrepreneurial journey surely has its highs and lows – but considering the advice of someone like Goldsmith, who has forged his own path, lays a strong foundation for success. 

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