When you bring remote employees on-board, it can be difficult to discern who is really the best fit through a screen. Although many companies have been entirely remote since their establishment, most businesses are still new to the world of telecommuting and remote operations.
Make the Application Process More Specific
Instead of having anyone and everyone submit a resume, turn the hiring process into an experience. Opt for video applications where individuals answer a list of questions, or ask them to introduce themselves and explain why they are a good fit for the position in under five minutes. Instead of a cover letter, offer a writing prompt that gives you greater insight into each candidate’s values, interest, and emotional investment in the industry they’re applying for. Beyond simply wanting to fill the listing you’ve posted; you need to recruit people who are passionate about what they’re doing and can easily express that. This process can also make reading resumes and applications much more interesting. You will likely find that you have far more people you want to call back than you do when reading traditional CVs.
Set Aside Time Each Week to Review Applications
On top of your regular work, it can be exhausting having to sort through a pile of resumes, schedule calls, and attempt to organize meetings that work for everyone’s schedule. Rather than leaving the hiring process as a perpetual item on your to-do list, pick a certain time each week that you’ll focus solely on reviewing and reaching out to prospective hires. You should also use this time to reflect on your own health and lifestyle. Both of these factors have a significant influence on your ability to work and perform your job well; one of the most interesting emerging subjects of health and medical research is cannabis and cancer patients. Many cannabis consumers are interested in how cannabis can be used as a medicine; you can consult a patient condition guide to learn how different types of cancer are affected by cannabis, various causes, treatment options and state regulations.
Make Hiring a Team Effort
Rather than having team members step in and evaluate candidates after an interview, have your team work together to each hand-pick at least five resumes each week. If you’re filling multiple roles, then each person can choose at least two potential hires for each position. Not only does this take some of the pressure off you to find the perfect fit, but you’re also opening up the door for a more dynamic, diverse array of candidates. Everyone thinks differently and brings a unique perspective to the table; even when all of you are hiring based on the same criteria, you’re likely to choose different candidates who may have otherwise been overlooked if solely one person was in charge. This can also bring the team closer together and help you reinforce your collective vision for the company.
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