There are many ways you can choose to get paid through your small business. If you are willing to explore different methods to try and find the cheapest, you ought to explore all of the different ways to do it. One of the least considered is the sending of payments through gift cards… and for little reason.
We wanted to talk about three ways that you can safely send money online. One of the most obvious is that of the bank transfer, but let’s pretend that this is not an option. GiftCardsToNaira has a few ideas on what to do next.
How Gift Cards Could Buy Goods
Gift cards can be bought and paid for, then sent in digital format. They can be posted in physical form, too, but we want to focus on the digital. If we can manage to eliminate the number of times the payment changes hands, we can ensure a safer payment process.
So say you have a gem supplier in Ghana who doesn’t have a bank account. You can send them an electronic gift card, which they can access using an email account. If you can electronically send them the gift card, they can then sign into the GiftCardsToNaira site and create an account. You can even download their app to get started.
Once the account is created, they will put in the details included in their digital gift card. Once completed, they will receive an instant quote detailing how much their gift card is worth in Naira, Bitcoin, or Ethereum. Once a selection is given, your supplier can then accept the deal or decline the agreement. If they get, the money will be available to transfer or withdraw within seconds.
To make things easier and to ensure that you send the correct amounts, you can use the GiftCardsToNaira online calculator located on their website. This tool lets you make sure you send them enough money on their gift card to cover your supply costs when they cash it in.
There are other ways to send goods, too, of course. So here are two more favorites.
Other Ways to Send Cash Online
There are a few different ways you can do it, but here are the top two…
Use an online wallet
If you use an online payment account service such as Google Wallet or a PayPal account, you should be able to send online payments with only a few minor charges.
Use Digital Currency
A growing method of transferring money in the digital world is to use cryptocurrency. Although these are currently still in the stabilization process economically, there should be no doubt that hanging on to a Bitcoin or two will be good for your credit rating.
Find out more
You can follow GiftCardsToNaira on Instagram if you would like regular updates, but we suggest you look at their website in full, should you wish to know more.
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