When I reflect on my life as an entrepreneur, I often am grateful that I started so early. Starting a business as a high schooler has a plethora of advantages. Most successful entrepreneurs start businesses as teenagers and fail over and over again until they succeed.
Here are some of the perks of starting a business in high school:
Zero to Little Risk
Starting a business in high school presents no or little risk of failure. In high school you aren’t paying rent or the air conditioning bill so if something doesn’t go your way, it’s not the end of the world. Failing early on while you don’t have bills to pay or a family to support is an excellent perk on becoming a teen entrepreneur.
It’s Educational
Businesses in high school are full of learning opportunities. You get to learn from your mistakes and successes along with undertaking valuable skills along the way. Classroom skills can be helpful in certain career paths, but experience is one of the best ways to learn as an entrepreneur.
Explore Future Career Paths
Most teenagers aren’t 100% sure what they want to do for the rest of their lives, and even when they think they do, they often switch career paths when finding out what their real passion is. As a high schooler, you should try a bunch of different things until you find out what is your ultimate passion.
Make New Connections
Running a business allows you to meet new people and make new friends. Though the business may not work out initially, you may build connections and strong relationships that will last forever.
Connect with me on Twitter, Instagram and LinkedIn. Are you an aspiring entrepreneur? Check out my new book: Strictly Business: How to Crush it as a Young Entrepreneur.
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