4 Reasons Why You Should Shift Your Business to a Dedicated Cloud Solution

When we talk about hosting a website, there are several factors that are involved. And, with the recent paradigm shift, businesses are focused on migrating their website from traditional hosts to the cloud as it promises to deliver scalability, redundancy, and on-demand services.

Although the cloud offers a number of potentials, there are countless factors that can limit the progress of your online presence.

If you have a website that runs on a cloud server and you are not really sure what is the best option for you, then let us help direct you in the right path so you can find all the reasons why your website should shift from a cloud shared server to a dedicated one. So, without further ado, let’s delve in.


If you have performance concern or if your server surrounds reliability issues, as a customer you seek to establish transparency between you and your service provider.

If you have previously been using a cloud service, you will understand that encountering networking and hardware issues is quite common.

Plus, your server resources are shared, which means that if there is a certain load on any website already existing in the cloud infrastructure, it will ultimately put your website at a risk of slower performance.

In a cloud, all attributes such as RAM, Disk Space, CPU, and network are equally shared among the users.

While buying a dedicated server, the story is completely different. You can easily root out network uptime and hardware performance issues while you are working with a dedicated server hosting.

Plus, a dedicated server will provide you with a completely separate IP through which users can focus on the right problems. Additionally, a dedicated server can help in polishing business performance.


Complexity has never been a solution to problems. Here is a schematic on what an average AWS cloud environment looks like on the inside:

Cloud server solutions, such as the AWS, adds layers of complex processes to your existing server resources that you technically don’t need, like added-in Tcaps Cloud.

With AWS, IPs are unbound and are not reliant on any specific Ec2 instance. In case you end up starting or stopping service, then you might have to re-associate your IP address.

Besides, you can also accidentally terminate the EBS storage and you can find yourself in a similar fix. AWS brings various tools on the market so you can avoid making mistakes and, in order to make them work, you will have to ultimately enable them.

If you are using a dedicated server, then these issues rarely exist. There are no added complexity costs involved, no hardware problems to resolve, and no running off to experts for help.


There is a common myth that says cloud hosting can be inherently redundant; however, this particular statement is entirely untrue. In a cloud computing model, the whole cloud infrastructure is based on nodes. When you launch a server on a cloud, you get a place on one of these nodes.

A cloud server node can never be as reliable as a single dedicated server, and there are countless reasons for it. If a node dies, it will affect your workload and you will have to wait for your service provider to assign your website a new one.

It has the same effect of failure as the dying out of the CPU, RAM, or Power supply on a dedicated server. Dedicated servers are redundant, so they have a failsafe plan.


From the looks of it, buying a dedicated server will always seem like it costs more than a cloud server.

However, the notion is not entirely true. Typically, when you are going to purchase a cloud server, you are looking to launch a website on an application such as WordPress, Joomla, Drupal, or any other CMS platform.

You will also require access to a hosting control panel such as Plesk or cPanel. Using different caching services and other related tools will ultimately cost you a fortune.

Besides, when you analyze the technical requirements needed to ensure reliable performance of your website, then dedicated servers are the best solution as they are worth the price you invest. The reason is disk performance, as with cloud servers, solving disk IO issues can be cumbersome.

By the time you plan on increasing the bandwidth of your server, your cost has already been evaporated.

Wrapping it Up

Whether you are a small business or an enterprise solution, seamless website presence is an element that is important above all.

A dedicated server solution uses the cloud in a powerful way as it enables entrepreneurs and marketers to create a deserving business hype.

A dedicated server is a well-managed, performance-oriented, highly reliable, and economical solution that costs way less than other cloud options.

So, these are my top reasons why a dedicated server is a reliable option. Until next time, cheers.

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