With a proliferation of sellers online from established brands right through to startups and drop shipping stores it’s increasingly difficult to stand out from the crowd. With bespoke boxes and packaging often incurring a hefty minimum order and associated cost it’s often more economic to get creative and use stickers and labels to customise more generic packaging, and even brand your products. Here’s five ways to use stickers to elevate your e-commerce branding and stand out from the crowd.
- Packaging labels
Adding your logo to generic packaging is crucial in establishing a strong brand identity. Stickers are a great alternative to fully printed boxes, with a lower cost and more flexibility to update your boxes or bags at any time.
If you have an eye for design it’s possible to create truly standout product packaging with standard cardboard boxes and vinyl stickers – just think outside the box (excuse the pun). Metallic stickers will also add a luxe vibe to your packaging if you’re in a more premium segment of the market.
- Free stickers and sticker sheets
Brands have used stickers as a promotional tool for years. Why not include some free vinyl stickers with your product that the customer can stick on their product, car, laptop, or just about anything. Your customer gets something for free and you get the promotion – everyone’s a winner!
Even Apple have been including logo stickers with many of their products for the last decade. Die cut stickers are a great option for this as they can be cut to any size or shape – perfect for including with almost any product. Sticker sheets are also a popular option, giving your customer a selection of stickers on a neat branded sheet.
- Product branding
If you’re sourcing and selling generic products it’s well worth adding your own branding. Stickers are a great way to do this. For example, rigid luggage often has a small blank panel deliberately designed for your logo – you’d be mad not to use it!
With sticker printing available online for as little as $20 for 100 stickers you can brand an entire batch of product for almost no cost. Metallic stickers are also great for branding higher-end products or electronics, as well as localised safety warnings and button labels.
- Bag seal stickers
If your product comes in an envelope or bag it’s a nice touch to add a sticker to seal the bag. This can be great for stationary, candy, chocolates or just about anything with loose product. Paper labels are great for this, or metallic stickers will give it a touch of class.
- Graphic product wraps
Graphic wraps are a great low-cost way to add fresh designs and limited editions to an existing product line. Take reusable water bottles, for example. You may have a range of different colours, but by adding graphic wraps you can create short runs of more complex designs, or branded bottles for events or special occasions.
Vinyl stickers are great for product wraps – look for a hardwearing laminated vinyl with a permanent adhesive and make sure you measure your product carefully to ensure a tidy fit.
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