This Sunday, November 19th marks the 4th annual Women’s Entrepreneurship Day. Launched in 2014, Women’s Entrepreneurship Day works globally to empower women and girls to become active participants in the economy by igniting a network of women leaders, innovators, and entrepreneurs to initiate startups, drive economic expansion, and advance communities around the world.
In celebration of Women’s Entrepreneurship Day, check out these six podcasts aimed at helping female entrepreneurs succeed in the world. Each of these podcasts is unique and serves their demographic with nontraditional content and conversations.
- Systems Saved Me is a podcast that helps female entrepreneurs with the ‘hows’ of systems and processes in order to maximize their efficiency. What makes this podcast unique is the host, Jordan Gill, dissects the steps of building and implementing systems, rather than a sweeping coverage of generic strategy. This podcast dives into the nitty gritty of being a female entrepreneur, while also talking about what are the best and worst financial investments for your systems.
- Small Business Boss, hosted by Brittany Becher and Maggie Patterson, talks practical, proven strategies and tactics for business creation. This podcast stands out because Brittany and Maggie speak from the trenches. They share based on their experience not just running their company, but working behind-the-scenes in many, many companies. They do not teach the “one and done” models that are so prevalent today, but instead offer the guidance and advice they themselves wish they’d had when they were starting out. You will not hear inspirational content or interviews on this podcast. It is filled with raw truths which may be hard to hear, but are necessary to know.
- The Creative Imposter features mindset and practical insights specifically related to creativity and impostor syndrome. What I love about it is, while every creative I have ever met has some form of imposter syndrome, not many people want to talk about it. Not Andrea. She provides a space for creative female entrepreneurs to share how they work with their own self-doubt and to discover how their own personal narrative can help lift up other creative women. It’s deep, self-reflective and also highly crafted, covering topics that others may shy away from including bankruptcy, depression, and more.
- The title of this next podcast says it all. How to Fail! gives female entrepreneurs permission to fail by sharing stories of the hosts’ failures and the failures of successful women. Kristin Vermilya & Justina McMasters speak with humor about their failing moments and give hope about moving forward so that women know they aren’t alone!
- Women Taking the Lead was designed to help entrepreneurial women overcome the biggest hurdle in their business: self-doubt! Why? So they are able to lead with confidence, integrity and a sense of humor! Host Jodi Flynn brings a unique perspective to the challenges ambitious, go-getting women face when they are working so hard to have the life and the business that seems just out of reach via interviews, audio blogs and on-air coaching calls.
- Permission to Leap, hosted by yours truly, explores the stories of people who have brought their visions to life. Guests discuss how they navigated their leap process from the day they committed, to the fears and doubts they experienced and how they came out on the other side of it all. Permission to Leap is the spark that will push you to not only believe in your dreams, but also help you in building the foundation so you can make these dreams your reality.
Be sure to subscribe to all six podcasts, and tweet @Influencive with your favorite episodes!
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