Aaron Sansoni is an expert Sales Consultant and successful Entrepreneur. Throughout his journey, he has gained a lot of knowledge about the ways of making more sales and thus decided to share it with the world. If you are an agent and wish to know the real intention of buyers and sellers and manipulate it as per your convenience, you are good to go.
Aaron made his stance clearer by giving an example. Suppose that the house owner is Kelly and on being asked about the reason for selling her property, she replies that it is because she wishes to shift to the countryside from the city. Upon hearing this, amateur agents tend to move on to their next questions.
However, Aaron recommends probing them further for more details. The agent should ask questions such as where she plans on moving to. Suppose she answers Brisbane, ask her to pinpoint the exact location. Again, hypothetically speaking, she might say suburbs. Then ask her the reason for choosing it. At this point, she might answer that it is the perfect place for her kid’s education.
This is an extremely advantageous position for the agent as they land a higher chance of bagging Kelly’s business. Aaron further explained, “What’s going to be a stronger reason for them to want to list with me – the fact that I’m going to be walking around their current home selling it, knowing that I could get her son into the education she’s always dreamed of, or just another agent trying to sell something?”
Aaron has always believed in sharing his knowledge with others as he knew that many people would face the same issues as he himself did when he started out with his business. If you wish to know more about the ways to conduct a successful business, you can read Aaron’s famous book titled, “Empire Mastery” which has sold more than 35000 copies. The 37-year-old has achieved so much in such little time due to his sheer hard work and patience. Speaking of his achievements, he even got nominated for two prestigious titles- Australian of the Year 2017 and Entrepreneur of the Year 2016.
Aaron Sansoni has an exceptionally bright future ahead of him and he is sure to be able to help many more individuals by just doing what he loves. Find out more about Aaron and keep updated with his future achievements by following him on:
Website (Paragon Global Investments)
Website (Empire Group International)
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