Ada Hu, Co-founder Of NU Media, Shares Her Top Tips To Succeed In Business.

“Being a ‘digital expert’ means having the ability to adapt in the ever-changing environment of the digital world”. Steering her company with such ideology, Ada Hu, a co-founder of NU Media, a social activist and a young female entrepreneur, has fueled the digital industry with her resilience and fresh perspectives. For Ada, the true purpose of stepping into the industry was beyond accomplishing big numbers. Her actions reflect trailblazing movements to support women through her company.

The two friends Ada Hu and Eva Jiang stepped into the digital industry to support brands with their digital marketing and create opportunities for female professionals. Ada states how women entrepreneurs get misconstrued in the industry and, it is still surprising to encounter the commonly held conventional notions about women entrepreneurs and leaders.

She says, “one of my major aims is to support women, and by support, I mean far more than just cheering for them.” With over 95% of the female team, NU Media’s working environment is unlike any other. It is a treat to work with a team that thrives on its working culture and collaborative efforts to bring the most innovative ideas to the table.

A self-taught disruptor and a thriving entrepreneur, Ada’s advice for professional women consists of five solid parameters that helped her ladder up to success.

Consistency can be Your Superpower

Ups and downs are normal in businesses, but staying consistent and motivated amidst that creates winners. Consistency is the area where most people go wrong. They would wake up with a fresh motivation one day and miserably fail to take that work ahead the very next day.

Ada explained that when it comes to staying consistent, only 1% of people wake up every day and feel the same energy to complete a task, and those are the people who make it to the top. A firm believer in staying consistent, she stresses how enduring the business world is all about staying consistent and delivering your word.

Become Friends with your Confidence

The thing about confidence is that you know your worth a little more every time you choose to radiate that. As women, it is common for people to think that you and your ideas can easily get overshadowed by the men in the room.

She says, “When one appreciates their own ideas and decisions, the things around them start respecting them too.” A typical day at NU Media looks amazing with confident learners who bring countless rich ideas to the table, regardless of how random they are. Because they believe every idea that reflects confidence can create a big change with an ideal execution.

Bond with Curiosity

Yes, the world changed in a snap of fingers and still shows a grinding recovery. However, NU Media’s team has brought consistent growth and adaptability. The secret recipe of this growth was the work environment of the agency who just were not curious to grow their work efficiency but also their professionals. Ada says curiosity and learning are the reasons that we have grown so much. She encourages women to stoke up that creative mind to create wonders in the world.

Say Hello to Learning

There is nothing wrong to toss your “know it all” personality out of your professional life because not everyone knows everything. Ada says, “Never think you are the smartest person in the room. Always be humble and open to new ideas and suggestions.” If you are an expert, you just have to be well acquainted with your field, rest can be taken care of by your curious mind. And trust us, your honest responses can take you a longer way than you can ever imagine!

Roll out Your Best Work

“High IQ does not guarantee success but hard work does”, says Ada. Certainly, it is not easy to keep breaking the neck to achieve your goals, but it’s even harder to accept failure that will land you at an undesirable destination where you never really wanted to be.

Ada states how taking up big client projects is like a fun ride and opportunity for NU Media to prove its excellence. She says, “My favourite colour is off white because every meeting with a potential client is a blank slate tinted with opportunity.” Getting into the process of completing a task should be embraced as lovingly as you accept your wins.


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