There’s been a phrase floating around for the last couple of years that has gained more and more traction: living an authentic life. But what does an “authentic life” look like, anyway? Living authentically means that you are living the way you should be, the way that feels best to you and fulfills you.
That’s easier said than done, though. Sometimes living true to yourself can be one of the toughest things imaginable due to societal pressures or prejudices and judgments. However, it may only take a gentle nudge or a simple reminder to realign yourself back to who you aspire to be or what you hope to emulate.
That can be as simple as a bracelet. The Aura Bracelets act like that. The physical bracelets themselves are of high-quality material, with the gemstones Grade A quality. But beyond what they are made up of, they are the gentle reminder that can serve you when the day doesn’t go well or if you feel as if you’re slipping.
Adam Cam, one of the founders of The Aura Bracelets, says, “The bracelet will realign people with their purpose and who they are, or it’s something they look at to inspire them to be the person they know they can be.”
Cam is all too familiar with the power of thoughts, including negative ones. Cam spent many years growing up with anxiety, and he eventually came to realize that he is a powerful human being. Powerful, because he – himself and no one else – was in charge of his reality. His reality and his life were dictated by himself, by his thoughts and his actions driven by those thoughts. Not fate, not destiny, not God, but Cam himself.
That realization is extremely empowering, and it proved to be the biggest shift for Cam to lead a happier and more successful life. This holds true for everyone: the power of your thoughts directs your life.
Cam says that each week, The Aura Bracelets receives messages from “people telling us how their bracelet has changed their way of thinking, is allowing them to live a better life, has helped their relationships, has gotten them a dream job and has made them more confident.”
People say that what you think about yourself carries great weight. If you believe that you are capable of achieving goals, you can. If you feel like you deserve love, you’ll attract love. But it works in reverse, too. If you feel as if you are an angry person or unable to do the things that you want to do, then you won’t be able to achieve those things.
Even if your thoughts are powerful, there is sometimes the fear of judgments and of labels. These things can weigh your thoughts down, into a place that doesn’t serve you and that can potentially harm your own growth and well-being. Cam recognizes that, “The world is full of ‘judgment’ and ‘labels’ which I believe holds people back from living a truly fulfilled life.”
The only person in charge of yourself and what you do or what you wear is you. In response to that, The Aura Bracelets has, from day one, made a point of all of their collections and styles being gender-neutral. This is something that is close to the values of the company – to support everyone who wants to wear them.
By making the collections gender-neutral, The Aura Bracelets hopes to help people live their authentic lives, and be who they are meant to be. Cam says, “Without fear of being judged, the barrier is removed for people to live a powerfully authentic life.” This is exactly what all of us strive for. The Aura Bracelets are just what we need to shift our thoughts and our lives in a positive direction.
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