The probability of Advocate Bikram Singh Sidhu contesting from Ludhiana West constituency on Bhartiya Janta Party’s ticket is gaining momentum with his growing popularity amongst the masses.
As a member of the State Executive Committee of BJP, Advocate Bikram Singh Sidhu has always worked for the welfare of the people, taking up issues at the grassroot level.
His honesty and ethical practices are not just restricted to law practice as is evident from the fact that he has taken up a strong stand against the illegal activities pertaining to land acquisition in Ludhiana West constituency.
Also, Sidhu has fearlessly pointed towards the ongoing corrupt practices in the government departments thus taking a stand against the harassment of common public.
Most importantly, Advocate Bikram Singh Sidhu has emerged as a “man of the masses” in recent years. He has been consistently involved in the welfare of girls and women as right from their education to employment, Sidhu has succeeded in giving a quality life to many.
Sidhu is a well read and well- informed professional who feels passionately for the environment thus he never misses a chance to motivate people for working towards a sustainable future. “If we take care of the mother Earth, the mother Earth will take care for us, thus we should achieve our developmental goals without exploiting nature and it’s resources,” expresses Sidhu.
He along with his associates has garnered an unequivocal support from various quarters that include professionals, entrepreneurs as well as workers from the middle- income group.
The probability of Advocate Bikram Singh Sidhu contesting from Ludhiana West constituency on Bhartiya Janta Party’s ticket is gaining momentum with his growing popularity amongst the masses.
As a member of the State Executive Committee of BJP, Advocate Bikram Singh Sidhu has always worked for the welfare of the people, taking up issues at the grassroot level.
His honesty and ethical practices are not just restricted to law practice as is evident from the fact that he has taken up a strong stand against the illegal activities pertaining to land acquisition in Ludhiana West constituency.
Also, Sidhu has fearlessly pointed towards the ongoing corrupt practices in the government departments thus taking a stand against the harassment of common public.
Most importantly, Advocate Bikram Singh Sidhu has emerged as a “man of the masses” in recent years. He has been consistently involved in the welfare of girls and women as right from their education to employment, Sidhu has succeeded in giving a quality life to many.
Sidhu is a well read and well- informed professional who feels passionately for the environment thus he never misses a chance to motivate people for working towards a sustainable future. “If we take care of the mother Earth, the mother Earth will take care for us, thus we should achieve our developmental goals without exploiting nature and it’s resources,” expresses Sidhu.
He along with his associates has garnered an unequivocal support from various quarters that include professionals, entrepreneurs as well as workers from the middle- income group.
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