Aleem who is well known as a singer first & among the fans for his charismatic & soothing voice is all set to show us his talent in acting on the big screen! Our sources say the movie is produced by a well-known production house whose name remains undisclosed to the public due to the current situation across the globe. We also know for a fact that he will be singing a few of the songs in the movie as well which will blend into the act perfectly!
We have quite a few examples of famous Bollywood singers who turned into actors like Mika Singh, Ali Zafar, Atif Aslam, Kishore Kumar & Aleem is an addition to the list. Bollywood has always been keen on finding new talents and voices to expand its market across the globe and reach as many audiences as possible.
Aleem is all in one package for the producers! From his good looks to his charming personality to his amazing voice. What else does anyone need?
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