When many people think of entrepreneurs, they think of people money-hungry and seeking success only for themselves. However, entrepreneurs are so much more than this stereotype and are often driven mainly by a desire to help others. Today, we are discussing one such entrepreneur that has made it her life’s mission to help female entrepreneurs grow their businesses and become the best entrepreneurs they can be!
Alexa Carlin, Founder and CEO of Women Empower X, was bitten by the entrepreneurial bug from a young age. Watching her father work hard through his entrepreneurial ventures, she decided at the young age of 17 to open her first business. Furthermore, she started the female empowerment blog, “Hello Perfect,” during her time in college.
Unfortunately, her ventures came to a screeching halt in January 2013, just four months before she was slated to graduate college. Alexa went into septic shock, which led to six days in a medically induced coma and a total of 10 days in the intensive care unit. Her chances of survival were 1%. However, through her sheer conviction to make it out of that hospital room alive, Alexa fought back the shock and lived to tell the tale, and tell the tale she would!
After regaining her strength in the face of an autoimmune disease caused by the powerful antibiotics she was given in the hospital and post-traumatic stress, Alexa set out to share her story with the world. From speaking in a room with only 5 audience members to hitting the TedX stage, Alexa has shared her story all over the U.S. and is now a nationally-renowned speaker.
Alexa decided to increase her impact in 2016 by founding Women Empower X. Women Empower X has grown from a small gathering of female entrepreneurs attending events in the east to a nationally recognized movement inspiring women in their entrepreneurial pursuits through in-person and virtual events, a social media community full of support for one another, and the Inner Circle membership.
From her journey, it is evident that Alexa works not for herself, but for all the women out there striving to make their passion projects a reality. As Alexa says, “The more people you know, the faster you grow.” Alexa has fostered a community of like-minded female entrepreneurs to help one another reach the top because there’s room for all of us up there! Between public speaking and Women Empower X, Alexa has built an empire on the foundation of her hardships.
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