Amanda Suga: 4 Mindset Shifts To Bring Your Vision Board to Life

Your world has been hit by this huge storm called life. Its many highs bring you intense joy, but when it throws an obstacle your way it can become very easy to slip into stress mode. Ultimately, navigating your way through life is a wonderful feeling, but it can also one of the most difficult jobs on the planet. Amidst this you can often lose sight of yourself,  your ambitions and your dreams along the way. Yet, you keep pushing forward facing everything life has to throw at you, and hoping that it will all work out.

But if you’re not careful, you can find yourself sinking into a discouraging and time-consuming spiral of ‘shoulds’ based on society’s expectations. Amanda Suga, knows this all too because she’s been there too, and she’s here to tell you that things don’t need to be that way.

Amanda is making it her mission to help ambitious woman learn to get out of their own way, by providing the guidance to create mindset shifts to tap into the ease and flow of manifesting a life and career you truly love. All while creating your own path to success along the way.

Amanda is an experienced corporate marketer turned manifestation coach. Following her first spiritual awakening in 2016, along with discovering manifestation, Amanda harnessed the power of her mind to completely change her life in 2 short years.

Her entrance into motherhood had was the catalyst to her realizing the hard way about the difficulties and hardships society placed upon her as a woman trying to pursue her dreams, and ever since that moment she has made it her mission to share what she’s learned with as many women as possible, so they too can continue to live out their ambitions and purpose while still being able to stay true to their inner values.

Below Amanda shares with us her top 4 mindset shifts to bring your vision board to life.

 1 – Focus on your thinking, not your actions.

 Western capitalist culture has taught us that if something isn’t going as we planned, we should change what we’re doing. Do more, do less, or do differently. The truth is that our actions are fuelled by our thoughts and feelings — energizing them with our intentions.

So, if something isn’t working, take a look at what you are thinking and feeling when you’re acting. A simple tweak there is the difference between manifesting what you desire or your continuing to go in circles. 

2 – More being, less doing.

Hustle culture is extremely overrated. The ‘you need to do more to create more’ mentality is a thing of the very distant past. What is more valuable is spending time being, enjoying life, and taking time to fill your cup.

Self-care isn’t just something you do on special occasions, it’s a necessity of living a happy and fulfilled life. When you act from this place of alignment, your actions become more powerful, so you need less of them to create what you want.

3 – Make decisions for your future self.

 Everything that you’ve created in your life right now is a result of your current self. If you want to create something different, you need to make different decisions. Next time you’re thinking of making a move, ask yourself, what would the future version of me do here to get where I want to be? 

4 – Let go of the how and when.

If you are so focused on how and when your vision board will come to life, you’re being too attached to the outcome. When you canlet go of the when and how, you open yourself and your perspective up to other even better alternatives to your dream that you couldn’t even imagine. Trust that what you want is coming and be open to that or something better. 

If you’re looking to create a life you really want by shifting your mindset, allowing your dreams and ambitions to come true while setting a positive example for others around you, Amanda Suga is the best woman to help you on your journey.

If you are ready to take your manifesting to the next level and bring your vision board to life, follow her on Instagram or schedule a complimentary consultation here.


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