OnlyFans,the popular adult subscription platform is currently having a moment in the collective consciousness of the internet. Through OnlyFans users can subscribe to pages created by adult entertainers,gaining access to videos,photos,and the chance for exclusive interaction. Some big name Hollywood stars including Bella Thorne and Michael B. Jordan have recently launched on the site,bringing it worldwide attention. It is through this platform and others,that Instagram model Rexi James has been toppling misconceptions about people with disabilities in the adult entertainment industry. Rexi James lives with Arthrogryposis Amyoplasia,a disability that affects the joints,tendons and muscles. James,who is in the top 3% of all OnlyFans creators has been changing the landscape of adult entertainment,infusing it with both visibility and body positivity. We had the chance to talk to her in our exclusive interview below;
Q1. Why do you think that the disabled community within the adult entertainment industry doesn’t receive more publicity?
I think that there is an archaic and damaging misconception that those who are disabled can not be sexy.
Q2. How do you think the rise of Instagram modelling accounts will affect the future of the modelling industry?
I think that Instagram has put the power of who gets to be in front of the camera into the hands of the models themselves and this will continue to radicalize the modelling industry by infusing it with some much needed diversity.
Q3. Why do you think OnlyFans has become as popular as it has?
I think that Onlyfans popularity comes down to transparency and the intimacy of removing the middleman. Onlyfans is allowing those paying for adult content to connect directly with the entertainer creating that content.
Q4. As a successful social media influencer what is your take on influencer marketing platforms like Upfluence that aim to connect influencers with companies to create collaborations?
I think that platforms like these can be a priceless tool for influencers and businesses alike and we are going to see a huge influx of them in the future.
Q5. You are considered to be a pioneer in the Instagram body positivity movement,how do you hope to influence it?
I strive to be a positive light of inspiration by creating visibility for the disabled community and proving that every single body is beautiful!
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