Zack ‘ROI’ Williams (@roimfzack) is crushing the Marketing scene covered in tattoos. He isn’t the marketing CEO we knew we needed. Zack is busting the stereotype wide open while bringing nothing but value to everyone who follows him.
He spent over a decade running marketing teams in corporate America and has worked in some of the biggest companies such as Red Bull, Harley Davidson, Hard Rock Cafe and many more. Now Zack and his crew have broken away from working for “the man” and developed a marketing team that has over 100+ combined years of marketing experience to the self employed market.
Zack now gives access to the same information gained at these massive organizations spending millions of dollars a year in marketing to your business.
If you are a small business owner, or entrepreneur you will want to pay attention to what Zack ‘ROI’ Williams is getting ready to drop… for FREE. No need to purchase an up-sell. I mean sure, you can pay for services if you find the information valuable, but is far from necessary.
We asked Zack why he was going to be giving this away when he could absolutely sell it, and he said “because too many business owners got shit on during Covid, and I just want to give back to the small guy. To my guy. My people.”
I built my business from the ground up, I have a lot of close friends who have built theirs from the ground up. I know there are a lot of people who have build theirs too and were up against all odds. I know there’s a lot of good people out there who unfortunately lost theirs due to Covid, and that shit hurts my heart. If I can help one person make a comeback, then all the work was worth it to me.
Yes, Zack owns a Done For You Marketing program, a Done With You consulting program, and has courses he offers, but that’s not what he is pitching here. Sure, there are up-sell opportunities, but Zack has a response to his eBook readers when we asked him about his other offers.
Zack ‘ROI’ Williams said “ I don’t want anyone to buy anything from me, until they trust me. Look at me, I am real as F*ck. I am not out here trying to fake it to make it. I don’t flex rented Lamborghinis and private jets. I am literally giving away an eBook with insane amounts of value, because I want my knowledge, and mission to earn your trust, to be seen and not just a fake Instagram flex.”
He continues
Read my eBook for FREE. If It helps you make $1,000 extra, then reinvest some of that into one of my courses. If those courses bring you a Return On Investment, then reinvest some of that into other services. I don’t want to take anyone’s money, I want people to believe in me, I want people to believe in themselves, and live their dream and have a successful business doing that. Just like so many of my clients.
You don’t have to read it. It’s free…. It’s not like I lose anything if you don’t. You do.
What do you have to lose?
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