The nationally acclaimed ace Model/Actor and the founder of the prolific MG Enterprises, Manuj Tilakraj Gulati is one of the true pioneers who started his career in the era of ads & films back in the 2000’s.
A native from New Delhi, Delhi, Manuj Tilakraj Gulati is now based in Mumbai since the last 20 years. Despite having been raised in a traditional, punjabi family that had no connections with films what so ever, Manuj Tilakraj Gulati since a very young age showed the inclination to pursue an occupation that was not the obvious mainstream choice.
At the adolescent age of 18, he decided to get involved with the commercial theatre, just to try his hand at the performing arts. Later on, he ventured into painting as well, only to realize that that was not where his heart truly belonged. Although he had a natural flair and the creativity, these activities did not quite stimulate his senses.
This elongated pursuit to satiate his soul finally led him to foray into the field of acting (Bollywood,), the ardour for which he says he inherited from his father. His father always wanted to be an actor but couldn’t really pursue his dream due to the family objection. It is indeed very commendable for Manuj to have had the perseverance and the diligence to follow such an unchartered territory back in the days when the pressure to pursue more typical and lucrative fields of expertise was immeasurable.
In the year 2001, he moved his base to The Land Of Opportunities, Mumbai, not only to establish his dream, but also to witness what all life had in store for him.
The inception of his journey was but of course not a smooth-sailing voyage; it had its fair share of highs and lows along the way. It is never easy to cross the threshold into the unknown without any support, and in a completely new land without any professional liaisons.
Breaking in was definitely a challenging task, but Manuj, was certain of his talent. Determined to rise, gradually, Manuj succeeded in making newer acquaintances, and he was soon building associations with the veteran Model/Actors, as well as the crème de la crème of Bollywood.
All he had to do then was to get people to see his work; he was unequivocally convinced that his craft would then speak for itself. His strength has always been his constant impulse for introducing newer, edgier concepts exhibiting his proficiency. His roles invariably have a touch of freshness; his style is bold, innovative and leaves a tremendous impression in the minds of the viewers.
Manuj Tilakraj Gulati credits his success to the unwavering support he received from his family, who kept up with his strenuous working hours, and his team who stood by him through the peaks and the valleys.
In a nutshell, it is in complete candour that I say that it’s been a hell of a journey for him through these various phases of life – a journey which can inspire a great many up-and-coming people in their path of accomplishment.
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