Andreas Verrios, Better Known as Mr. NYC Subway, is on His Way to the Top of the Photography Industry

In today’s age, we often see individuals never find their true purpose in life. Instead of doing something they are deeply passionate about, they settle for something that “gets them by” or “works for now.” Finding their true passion is easier said than done for many individuals, but it can flip their whole life right side up once it is found.

When he first moved to Manhattan, New York, back in 2014, Andreas Verrios, aka Mr. NYC Subway, was a survivor of that scenario. He set out on a journey to become a lawyer in one of the biggest cities in the United States. Three years after moving there, he began spending a lot of time in the city and traveling to work, and he saw that there was much more to offer in the world than what meets the eye. He dropped his law career to pursue photography instead of remaining in his perpetual cycle of unhappiness.

Giving up such a lucrative job to pursue what was just a newfound passion at the time can be a frightening feeling. Andreas went with his gut, despite the fear, and set out on his spiritual photography journey. “When starting this pursuit, my sole objective was to boost the standard of lifestyle for myself and those around me who commuted to and from work during the morning and evening rides,” says Andreas.  To him, little things he hadn’t picked up on began to become more prominent. Andreas started to see the real beauty around him in the world and began to take pictures on his iPhone before he finally saved up for a camera.

Fast forward to now, and Andreas is on a three-year journey through the world of photography. His list of achievements is very remarkable and will suggest that back in 2017, he made the correct decision. On top of rising an insane following of over 1.5 million on Tik Tok and 144,000 on Instagram, Andreas was published in the New York Times, Yahoo, and NBC New York. Mr. NYC Subway has since displayed and sold his artwork all over the United States, with NYC, Miami, and San Diego being a few of the most notable exhibits.

A change in perspective was taken by Andreas Verrios, aka Mr. NYC Subway, which led him down the road he is on today. He encompasses what it means to believe in yourself, and in doing so, he built his ideal life. His stunning, unorthodox photography separates him from the competition, and over time, he only makes the distance between himself and other photographers larger. Andreas, aka Mr. NYC Subway is, without a doubt, on his way to the top of the photography industry.

Follow Andreas Verrios aka Mr. NYC Subway on Instagram here.

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