Antonino Aiello Redefines Luxury Linen

Antonino Aiello

The charismatic and defiant owner of luxury linen maverick 100% Capri– Antonino Aiello- has taken what has historically been considered a bedding and towel fabric and has created a radically cool, posh, and sophisticated fashion brand that is emerging as the largest new breakthrough into the upper echelons of luxury brands.

100% Capri has become such a staple within high society that it has ignited a critical mass of demand amongst luxury shoppers spawning the birth of a new luxury linen fashion market, that barely (if at all) existed before Aiello.

This market is now rapidly taking shape from Miami to Dubai to Singapore, where 100% Capri’s sophisticated designs are reshaping the fashion climate and forcing other leading designers- from Gucci to Chanel – to experiment with their own linen collections in order to capture demand.

Track Aiello and 100% Capri’s progress at or the first page of Google under luxury linen, where they can;’t seem to be mentioned enough.

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