As a chronically ill entrepreneur running two businesses, I know we all need to check ourselves to find the balance, rest, and enjoyment in life we need…even when we’re caught up in the euphoria of success. […]

As a chronically ill entrepreneur running two businesses, I know we all need to check ourselves to find the balance, rest, and enjoyment in life we need…even when we’re caught up in the euphoria of success. […]
When a loved one dies, you are thrust into an otherworldly existence. Your feelings ping-pong all over the place. You would risk anything to have your love back. Entrepreneurship evokes the same emotions, with one […]
When starting a business, one question needs to be answered in the affirmative: will my new company have a customer base? Maybe you don’t even need a product to begin. Lincoln Waters, Co-founder and CEO of […]
Half of you will hate this article. Because roughly half will be the pessimistic thinkers who believe that they are not participants in their own life. The glass-half-empty peeps will perhaps click on the title […]
By the year 2020, the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services projects 157-million people will live with a chronic illness. Many of those people have been forced into working for themselves. For me, it […]
Yesterday, as happens cyclically in my business and in every business, it was time to button up a project. I detailed while Facebook IM’ing with a client that my role in the creation of their […]
If you’re like most every other entrepreneur out there, you have a story of disappointment to tell—times when your plans didn’t pan out. It doesn’t make you a failure. No, you, like many others, have […]