You would think that being yourself would be the easiest thing in the world – after all, it’s you! We, however, live in the 21st century, a world of social media and highlight reels. As […]
Author: Joshua Lombardo-Bottema
Why You Shouldn’t be an Entrepreneur.
Running your own business is wonderful—I should know, I do it. I find it exciting and meaningful, and without it? I’m not sure where I would be, or if I could be happy. The problem is, […]
How Much Sleep Do You Really Need?
Are you getting enough sleep? Probably not. Studies have consistently shown that 40 percent of Americans are getting less sleep than they need —at about six hours per night. So how much sleep do you […]
3 Things to Consider Before Asking for a Raise
It seems the minimum wage conversation is dominating most discussions about wages. How will companies afford this influx of expense? Is it enough? Is it too much? Will the cost of living raise? One group […]
When You Must Walk Away from a Prospect
In business, especially when you are working towards building your empire, it is hard to walk away from a deal. However, it may come as a surprise to you that some clients will do more […]
Is Your Morning Routine Sabotaging Your Day?
What does your morning routine look like? Quick shower, rush out the door and grab coffee and donuts on the way? If so, you aren’t alone. You can tell by the lineup at your local […]
Revealed: The One Thing Standing Between You and Success
We’ve all heard Descartes’ famous quote “I think, therefore I am”. It is something we hear all the time as an ode to self confidence—but what if it goes deeper than simple insecurity? Did you […]
Why I Don’t Make New Year’s Resolutions
I stopped making New Year’s Resolutions a few years ago, why? Because they just don’t work! With different surveys putting the date people give up on their resolutions between 10-30 days after it was made, […]