A financial advisor needs clients who trust and rely upon that advisor to help them make only smart moves with their money. So does a financial advisement business.
A business might focus solely on individuals who want to protect their assets while growing a retirement account and financial legacy for heirs. It also might focus on commercial accounts that help ensure businesses and other organizations make smart moves with their financials and stand a better chance of long-term success.
You also might provide a blend of individual and organizational financial advisement services. Some savvy marketing can help you to grow your business while helping others to grow their financial independence.
Barry Bulakites Loves these 5 Marketing Tools for Greater Success
No matter how you provide your financial advisory services, you need a steady stream of new clients to help make it viable and long-lasting. Esteemed financial advisor Barry Bulakites shares five of his favorite ways to make a financial advisement business stand out from the rest.
- Branding Campaigns
Branding is a marketing concept that refers to what individuals think about your business when encountering it. Barry Bulakites advises that for a brand to exist, you must be known. For the brand to be positive, you need people who know you to think highly of your services as a financial advisor.
A branding campaign can help to define your business and make it known to entirely new people. A branding campaign also can help to make people think highly of your services.
A successful branding campaign will focus on the market area in which you provide financial advisory services. That market area likely has a specific geographic location. Within that location, you should provide useful services and marketing content that help consumers to think positively of your business.
A successful branding campaign helps to extend your marketing reach while sowing the seeds of good thoughts and exceptional service among consumers and potential future clients.
- Community Engagement
Barry Bulakites recommends that you proactively should engage with the community in which you are doing business. Nothing is more effective at generating positive marketing than word-of-mouth. When people hear positive things about you and your financial advisory services, they are more inclined to consider you for future services. Volunteer opportunities are among the best ways to generate a positive brand image while making more people aware of who you are and what kind of services you provide.
- Philanthropy
Philanthropy is another great way to sow the seeds of goodwill among a targeted community. Supporting local students with nominal scholarships, financial support for community projects, and assisting an at-risk population can help to make your business known and loved. As a financial advisor, you also might offer free services on a limited basis to a particular group of generally needy community members. Helping those who are less fortunate can improve your brand while enhancing business prospects.
- Quality Content Production
Many people seek information from knowledgeable sources. It is what you are doing while reading this. The best way to do that is to create and publish quality content that helps to affirm you are an expert at financial advising. You can publish your content online on your website.
You also can publish on websites and in trade publications that need good, useful content that is relevant to their readers. When you produce quality content that demonstrates your expertise in the field, it helps to guide more potential clients to your place of business while setting you apart from the competition.
- Specialization
Nothing sets you apart more than specializing in the services that you provide, Barry Bulakites says. Instead of trying a shotgun approach to serving virtually any client, you could try to narrow your focus and target particular groups of clients.
Maybe one group is recently divorced parents who now have an entirely new set of financial circumstances. Maybe another group could be recent college graduates who are just entering their working careers.
Specialization helps to affirm your expertise while setting you apart. It also can help to grow your financial advisement business.
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