- How did you get your idea or concept for the business?
We wanted to create a foundation for producers and artists that created a family environment. We had to partner with people we felt were a good fit only sign sample makers.
- What was your mission at the start?
We wanted to create a household name for the brand and make a major imprint. We want no limits on capabilities.
- How many employees?
There are four of us in total. Tight circle that is a power squad.
- What service(s) or product(s) do you offer/manufacture? …
We offer good management services
- How do you advertise your business?
We advertise our business through results. We don’t tell people we are the best we try to remain humble with every interaction.
- How does your prior work experience relate to this position?
My prior work experience was dedicated to key communication skills and building trust.
- How and why did you get started in this line of work?
I always had a passion for music. Inspirations to me were people like Drake, DJ Khaled. It inspired me to have something like that of my own. I always figured I would be with the rich and famous but never wanted to be famous.
- What is most important to you in a company?
The right partners, loyalty and passion are the most important things to me in a company.
- Describe how you keep informed of industry trends and deals.
Social media is the biggest go to. Crucial conversations behind the scenes also helps us stay informed. We set our own trend and we stay tunnel vision. We don’t always look at what other people are doing it’s just a reason for a distraction.
- Tell me how you organize, plan, and prioritize your work.
We try to treat everyone with equal respect. We screen calls before the CEO gets on a call for pre-qualification and we do this organically.
- Give me an example of when you thought outside of the box. How did it help your clients?
For an example, we have a single coming out called, “Balenciaga” for one of our new artists. There was a portion that came from the inspiration of “God’s Plan” by Drake. We were moved by how he was giving back to his community and people all over. We gave out 2 pairs of Balenciaga shoes to fit the theme and bring the inspiration we got to life.
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