There’s an old quote from the Sages of the Talmud that said, “say little, do much.” It’s a saying that a lot of young entrepreneurs seem to have forgotten.
I bet you’ve opened up your Facebook or Instagram feed over the past few days and seen some version of a motivational quote or inspirational post about how someone is going to crush it in 2017.
They talk about the numbers and metrics they hit last year. They boast about the number of clients they “closed.”
And by the end of 2017 they’ll be wondering why they weren’t able to do it again.
The single biggest reason an entrepreneur will fail in 2017 is rooted in the mindset of these coaches, experts and entrepreneurs.
It’s a mindset where they care about themselves first, and the customer second.
In short, their ego will kill them.
Everyone who brags about their stats and accomplishments without talking about the ways they helped to shape the lives of their clients is going to lose.
GaryVee likes to talk about the truth of the market. He says the market votes with their money. Customers will vote by no longer doing business with someone who cares more about themselves than by delivering an experience that helps someone.
How Customers Think
I’ve spent the past decade studying the top minds in marketing. Guys like Ogilvy, Eugene Schwartz, Dan Kennedy, Vic Schwab, Claude Hopkins and Marty Edelston.
These guys knew that no one cared about them, their products or the products they were hired to advertise.
Their prospects only care about themselves. They care about getting rid of a problem they had. They care about getting a better job or making more money.
They sure as hell didn’t care how much money you’ve made for yourself. They care about how much you’ve helped people “like them” to make.
If you’re a fitness trainer, they care about how many people have gone through your program and lost weight—especially if you happen to look like them.
If you’re a real estate agent, they don’t care how many homes you’ve sold this year and how much you’ve made in commissions. They care about how many homes you’ve sold that are just “like theirs” in the same price range and neighborhood.
No matter what you do, your market only cares that you can “do” the things you are promising.
That untimely means you and your service need to get results.
Many first time online entrepreneurs—especially ones that are selling online courses or coaching – are launching without proving their concept works. They launch based on assumptions instead of hard data and case studies from successful students.
When we launched our Ambitious ACTION Plan Training, we did so after launching 40+ online courses using the same system. We launched after perfecting it and after using the system on all kinds of different entrepreneurs.
We tested the system, at our cost and expense, with New York Times Best-Sellers and first time course creators.
We documented the process. We tested things. We won some battles and lost some too.
But we got proof. More importantly, we helped 40+ people to create, launch and sell their first online course last year.
Then, and only then, did we create something, an online course, that is helping hundreds more to do the same.
Are we proud of that? Damn right we are.
Did we make some good revenue along the way? Damn right we did.
But our success, and ultimately, our profits, depend on us getting results for our clients. We don’t get paid by talking about how much we crushed it and how hard we are hustling.
In 2017, I dare you to hustle hard and make someone’s dream come true.
Hustle hard and help someone achieve their goals.
Crush your day so hard that you made an impact in so many people’s lives that you never have to brag on social media again because your customers do it for you.
This year, instead of focusing on your resolutions or your goals, put your focus on helping someone else to achieve their goals.
If you do this, there is no way that you can lose in 2017.
P.S. If you’d like to learn how to jump start your 2017 by creating, launching and selling your first online course, download our new infographic that details our 6-step system that we have used on 40+ successful course launches at Click here to download it now.
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