Bill J Clarke Talks What It Means to Be a Young Entrepreneur in 2021

Bill J Clarke

His father is an entrepreneur. He won prizes for being the top Business student at school. Since a young age, he was always looking for ways to make his own money. But what does Bill J Clarke think it means to be a young entrepreneur in 2021, following what was perhaps the craziest year we’ve all experienced in a long time?

According to Bill, a large portion of his drive, his perseverance and his motivation come from his ‘Why’. The reason why he chose to go into business by himself. This goes beyond wanting to make money and hit revenue targets, this ‘why’ is actually his internal motivator. Bill focuses less on getting a Rolex or driving a Bentley and focuses more on how his business will fuel the dream lifestyle he wants.

One of Bill’s core aspects of his vision is that he wants to be able to travel the world with his business, which means he needs a business that can allow for this. For that reason, he has built o fully-online business that can be run from just his laptop, and he also employees contractors to help with his workload to reduce his work hours. Seem lazy? Maybe! But now he has more free time to enjoy the places he visits and experience the cultures.

So what advice does Bill J Clarke give to young entrepreneurs?

Firstly, don’t fall for the ‘hustle’ lifestyle. It’s easy getting caught into this where you spend years of 16 hour days, as well as neglecting your family, your health and your social life in order to make money. Bill actually admits that he fell into this for longer than he’d like to admit. He lost weight, his mental health suffered and all he had was more money in the bank. It took going into a dark tunnel to realise that the dreams of fame and riches weren’t his, they were just projected onto him by – shock – social media.

His biggest piece of advice for anyone going into entrepreneurship in these times is to focus on what you truly want. Do you really want to have a mansion in the Hills, a multi-million-pound car collection and money to burn, all at the expense of your health, your relationships and your own sanity? It takes courage to say that’s not what you actually want. When it comes to Bill, being able to live a good life and support his family is all he needs and one of the reasons he feels successful is because he has managed to achieve this with a healthy work-life balance.

If you’re looking to connect with Bill and chat more about his journey or you have questions about entrepreneurship, you can find his Instagram by clicking here.


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