Black News Channel to Spur Essential Convos in Black Community

Phillip Scott of African Diaspora News Channel, the most subscribed to Black News Channel on YouTube highlights racism and injustice around the world. Scott began filming out of his bathroom and kitchen in order to shed light on the facts of racism, especially the killing of black people in America and beyond. His mission is to show the world the best of Black business, family, stories, and entertainment + to have a safe place to watch news and a Black perspective. The network has 5 YouTube channels, and in 2019, hosted over 30 people to Kenya, Nairobi and Mombasa.

He says, “I have plenty of non-Black viewers and supporters. If you aren’t a racist and understand how White supremacy works, you won’t take offense to the reports.”

The new website and app are to be released by March 2021. Please visit the links below for more information;

Documentary on Amazon Prime


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