Meet Flobentz Philemy, better known as Flo: a 21-year-old entrepreneur breaking society’s boundaries of traditional employment to forge his own path of income generation through investing and entrepreneurship. Today he shares his journey of personal growth that has allowed him to flourish as a successful businessman and mindset coach.
Born and raised in Miami, Florida, Flo’s first employment was at a rec center. Flo enjoyed the experience giving him the ability to develop his leadership and coaching style through helping kids learn to play basketball, a sport he had played his whole life.
Flo attended Montgomery College, studying Physiotherapy, something he had been teaching himself with his own research through Youtube and practical experiences since he was in the ninth grade. However, when the global pandemic hit, he decided to discontinue his education in pursuit of real-life experience to jump-start his future in entrepreneurship.
In December of 2020, Flo was introduced to the opportunity of network marketing and trading in the financial markets which ultimately gave him the chance to achieve his goal of creating additional sources of income for himself.
To date, Flo has created his own organization called Internet Wealth focused on helping individuals increase their financial literacy by providing them with the tools and resources needed to gain a deeper understanding of investing and trading in the foreign exchange and cryptocurrency markets.
When discussing the concept behind his business, Flo says:
The objective is just to spread awareness on how people are able to learn a skill set that can help them make money whenever the markets are open, from the comfort of their home or wherever they go. So let’s say for example you’re at work and you’re clocked out for a lunch break – whatever money you spent on food or time you’re spending without pay, you’re actually able to make that back within the time just from your phone. So people who really plug into the system and dedicate their focus to learning and mastering the skill are able to create an extra source of income that they can use to help pay off bills, pay off loans and really get themself into a better position financially.
Through Internet Wealth, Flo ensures he creates a culture of inclusivity, ensuring that each member has equal and unfettered access to the information and guidance they need to learn and grow.
When discussing the goals he has for the future of his organization and his own life, Flo says:
I plan to help create success for all the people in my business, making sure that they’re being put in the best position possible to achieve their financial and personal goals. It doesn’t matter your background or race or where you come from – this is all about empowering and enriching everyone involved so they’re able to excel in all areas of their life. On a personal level, I want to put my parents in a better position than where we are right now. I appreciate everything they’ve done for me and because of it I need to do more for them. Retiring my mom is my biggest priority – I see her go to work 16 hours shifts from six days a week, sometimes even seven, and growing up I wasn’t able to see my mom some of the time, I wanted to spend more time with her and now with this opportunity, I can make that happen.
As with any entrepreneur, roadblocks were placed in front of Flo as he began his journey. Nonetheless, those obstacles were turned into advantages to his success. Growing up, Flo was cut from his varsity basketball team two years in a row, despite his above-average skill, and says that in hindsight he feels that this experience was a way of showing him that he is capable of overcoming any obstacle, any disappointment, and any struggle, by remaining focused on his goals, going even harder at what he wants to achieve, and believing that God has a better plan in store for him.
When discussing his own personal development that has helped him to become stronger in times of difficulty, Flo says:
“To keep my life and my actions purpose-driven I focus a lot on personal growth and development. As a Christian, I firmly believe that God has a plan for all of us and I read bible verses regularly that really keep me connected to God. Another book I read to help me with leadership in this business is How to Win Friends and Influence People by Dale Carnegie. It’s a good reminder of how we should interact with others to create a genuine and lasting relationship, and it’s helpful in understanding how you can help somebody else and put them in a better position.”
As Flo’s organization, Internet Wealth, continues to flourish as he leads his team to success in business and investing, he leaves his best pieces of advice for the aspiring entrepreneur:
Stay determined and consistent. “It’s not always going to be sunshine and flowers, you have to put the work in, and sometimes without even getting anything in return. But just know that even small consistent efforts will give you a better return than one day of hard work. You’re not going to see the results that you want in the beginning, but you put in those hours will pay off in the long run.”
Develop yourself! “I used to laugh when people would say you need to personally develop and read books. But now it makes perfect sense that you need to develop yourself as you grow, because if your business is ready to go to the next level, but you’re not ready on a personal level, you’re taking one step forward but ten steps back.”
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