Chris Mark Featherstone is among the finest Entrepreneurs and motivational speakers through the current times. He is well-acclaimed across the UK and Germany in particular. Featherstone is young, just 24, but entrepreneurs and aspiring entrepreneurs alike are mesmerized by his ideas and their presentation. They believe that all that Featherstone has to offer has helped them with their work in practice.
He knows a lot about the entrepreneurial spirit because he has some solid on-field experience being an entrepreneur and striving for success. Featherstone’s roadmap to success will deliver insights regarding what makes him an excellent motivational speaker. He began to value money as an essential asset when he was just 14 and used to hand out newspapers. He was determined to make more money and took up a job as a waiter – a phase that taught him a lot about customer service.
At 16, Featherstone started his own watch company. He further increased his knowledge base about sectors such as investments in the stock and real estate market, social media growth, and affiliate marketing. He credits the people he has come across as the most significant influencers in his career and has learned from all successful entrepreneurs he has come across. His peers at school could not encourage him in his ventures, but that motivated him to be better still.
Support of his loved ones has always made him more confident regarding his career pursuits. Following high school, Featherstone set up an investment company that offered a range of services, which would help people save or make money. It was after all of his entrepreneurial ventures that Featherstone developed an inclination towards motivational speaking. While Featherstone makes success stories, it is having a story of his own that brings robustness to his brand. It helps him identify better with entrepreneurs and inspires people who listen to his speaking to do more in life and business.
Featherstone says: ”To be successful in your industry, you must find ways to stand out. You must have that Unique Selling Proposition in your product which can outperform your competitors’ product”.
At just a mere age of 16, Featherstone started his own watch company; soon after he turned 19, he started selling financial investment services and got the opportunity to travel across Europe and deliver motivational conferences along with locking in clients on the go. Achieving these feats at such an early age is applaud-worthy. The more you work, the more stressed, so Featherstone decided to pick a few hobbies to disconnect from the materialistic world. He started playing Judo and football, and he is an avid ballroom dancer.
Featherstone is now 24; he has started providing social media growth to his clients. He aims to see his company CMF Global having a large client base in the next five years. Chris Mark Featherstone is still on the hunt exploring and developing new ideas to grow on social media on the go. He says: “I have many ideas I am excited about involving new technology and event-specific apps I have researched”.
Success at this age is scarce these days, and Featherstone is a living example of it.
We wish Mr Featherstone all the best in his future endeavours.
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