Starting a business can be tough. One of the most difficult aspects of launching a business is often start-up capital. Entrepreneur Colin Yurcisin knows this firsthand, as he went from being $50,000 in debt to becoming a millionaire within a year.
A graduate of the University of Arizona, Colin spent a little too much time partying than pursuing his creative ambitions. After graduation, he took a depressing sales job that he lasted only 10 months at. The creative streak was calling out, so Colin, saddled with 5 figures in debt, quit his job to fulfill the dream of becoming a digital entrepreneur.
If you are in a similar situation, Colin has some tips on how to raise a large amount of business credit and, if applicable, conquer your own debt.
Take a Class
In addition to a credit repair class, Colin teaches three business-credit classes. The mini course covers credit basics, the next tier up covers how to leverage credit and build income, and his 4-week course teaches people how to create a new business, how to fund that business with 0% APR, how to deploy the credit into your business and generate passive income, and how to invest in high-performing assets.
Wise Investments
Raising business capital is just part of the equation when it comes to launching a business. To generate passive income, that capital needs to be wisely invested. Work with a coach, investor, or mentor who can show you the best options. Areas to look at are digital storefronts. Colin does own a company called Leveraged Investments that automates e-commerce stores and produces 6 figures in sales each month for his clients. This process is managed entirely by Leveraged Investments, giving their clients more leisure time to enjoy the money that is coming in.
Watch Your Back
Sadly, there are a lot of dishonest people in this world. Colin advises people to be aware that not everyone has your best interest at heart. He knows this firsthand, as he was scammed out of $20,000 on his first entrepreneurial venture. The silver lining in this situation was it further increased Colin’s drive to help his students discover financial freedom and pursue their dreams.
If you are in debt with damaged credit and seeking financial freedom, Colin’s advice is well worth taking. After all, he has walked in his clients’ shoes, but went from $50,000 in debt to a net worth of $1.5 million in approximately 18 months. Simply put, Colin Yurcisin knows what he is talking about.
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