Cosme LA Owner Santiago Perez Suarez on How He is Devising the Repercussions of COVID-19

The COVID-19 pandemic has caused stress, loss and damage to businesses worldwide. The hospitality industry has been hit particularly hard, with constant uncertainty regarding food preparation, limits on staff and customer numbers, and wastage – owners of restaurants have faced a devastating array of obstacles and lots of businesses have closed – permanently.

For restaurateur Santiago Perez Suarez – who owns NY City’s prestigious high-end Mexican restaurant Cosme, the pandemic has been an enormous awaken call. In preparation for an additional addition to his numerous restaurants, this point within the heart of the humanities District in Los Angeles, California – Suarez has taken time during the pandemic to re assess how he does business – and plan out how he’s getting to handle the aftermath of the pandemic that took to the planet like wildfire.

“The pandemic made us rethink our business model. Restaurants are meant to be full, both to get enough revenue to pay expenses and to make an ambiance,” Suarez says. “This has given us time to challenge assumptions we’ve always had about the business and to explore new opportunities. Adaptability is what i think counts lately .”

Most restaurant owners do their best to manage the present restrictions and situations – which is hard in itself, as those are constantly changing. While Suarez is currently navigating the challenges of the pandemic for his current restaurants also as additionally preparing for the grand opening of his lavish new LA restaurant, Damian.

Luckily, due to the impeccable design and layout of the restaurant, Perez is optimistic and truly looking forward to Damian’s grand opening in September this year. Damian is going to be joining the humanities District where its neighbors are going to be LA hotspots like Soho Warehouse and Bestia – a really reputable area.

“It is our only restaurant where we’ll have half the restaurant outdoors, with a gorgeous central patio a bit like in old Spanish Haciendas in Mexico,” Suarez says. “I think it’ll be our most playful and free venture.”

Every single one among Saurez’s restaurants has an impeccable reputation – and Damien are going to be an addition thereto success.

Suarez is ecstatic about the opening of his new restaurant Damian due to its sentimental association and shut proximity to Mexico. With a transparent and true Mexican influence laced into the culture of Los Angeles, Suarez’s restaurant Damian will only enrich the Mexican dining experience and culture within the area.

In a time of such uncertainty, Suarez is hoping that Damian will function an ebullient addition to the L.A. area which will facilitate closeness and community, in fact – within the restrictions of social distancing restrictions.

“With Damian, we’ll attempt to capitalize within the sense that Mexican food in L.A. is far more complex than in other parts of the country,” he says. “We can take more risks. we will be more inventive.”

Check out the Cosme website (prepare to drool!)

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