What comes to your mind when we talk about entertainment? Many would say movies. But what actually connects the movie with it’s audience? It’s definitely the cinema halls! Therefore, it would not be wrong to say that cinema halls had paid the maximum contribution in making the movies the first choice of entertainment.
But as the face of the entertainment industry has changed with time, and so has the preference of people towards the movies to be watched in theatres. At present times, as OTT came into action people going to cinema halls are majorly for larger-than-life movies than any other movie.
Guruji Kailashraigar, the brilliant producer believes in a few years cinema halls would be just meant for larger-than-life cinemas. “If I give you an option between Avenger Endgame or for India say Baahubali and any simple romantic movie, which one would you choose to watch in cinemas. The former ones, that how people think at present times,” said Guruji Kailashraigar. Producer Guruji Kailashraigar feels people would switch to their internet or web for the content that does not consist of visual effect as it is less expensive.
Producer Guruji Kailashraigar is a well-established name in the business world. The fabulous producer is an incredibly good person at heart as his maximum earning, he shared with the needy. In the current pandemic situation, he was the one who came forward in helping many people. The entrepreneur turned producer after making his mark in the gold industry is doing wonders in the entertainment industry.
The producer is currently looking for the perfect script for his upcoming project on OTT. Moreover, to give a reality check about the unsaid issues of the country, Kailashraigar is planning to make a documentary to make people aware of the issues faced by the common man in the day-to-day lives.
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