While the cryptocurrency industry is advantageous if you get your strategies right, you need to study the market first. Thousands want to earn money quickly by investing in crypto without any real strategy or plan.
For them, it’s like buying lottery tickets. But not everyone’s the same. Many want to learn about how the market works and what they can do to diversify their portfolios. They look up to influencers who can show them the right path to success.
One such influencer is Crypto Kang, one of the most well-informed and experienced crypto specialists. He is making a difference in the crypto world by helping enthusiasts learn about the market, develop effective trading and investment strategies, and understand what it takes to become a successful cryptocurrency investor. But how did he become an influencer? His story will surely inspire a lot to enter the industry and achieve a similar level of success, if not more.
Early interest in cryptocurrency
Crypto Kang wasn’t aware of the crypto industry until he was a university student. Then, he came across the concept of Bitcoin while attending a technology forum discussing how students can make money online without working strenuously for hours every day.
He immediately came back home and did some research on Bitcoin and digital currencies. This led him to figure out Bitcoin mining and how everyone could use it to trade using these coins directly from their mobile phones and laptops.
Once he studied Bitcoin, it made him enthusiastic about the potential in the industry. He became so engrossed about the market that he didn’t waste time joining a pool. Instead, studying cryptocurrency became his hobby, and he would even find time between his classes to learn a little more about the different investment strategies and the factors that the market depends on.
Starting with small investments
It would have been tempting to invest a lot of money and wait to receive hefty returns, but Crypto Kang was aware of the other side of the coin. He knew that he might end up losing a lot if his strategies didn’t go as planned. As a result, he started making small investments. He wasn’t doing it to earn profits. Instead, he wanted to figure out whether he was ready for the industry or not. So, while he made minimal profits, he didn’t stop studying the market.
He wasn’t too keen on investing without properly observing how the industry worked. So he stopped supporting for a while and focused his attention on preparing for his university examinations. Later, in 2017, thousands of people started investing in cryptocurrency, and it made the headlines because of crypto’s massive surge in popularity. Receiving dozens of messages from friends and colleagues wanting to touch feet in the space, this made Crypto Kang enthusiastic about the market again.
He started his YouTube channel, where he made various meme videos and parodies of different crypto bandwagoners. His videos on the fourth industrial revolution and ChainLink became popular instantly as they made viewers laugh whilst discussing financial independence, educating his userbase, and how everyone could use the resources on cryptocurrency to make money.
Today, Crypto Kang is one of the leading influencers online because of his track record, knowledge and passion for the crypto industry. He vows to keep influencing people to enter the industry and make a flourishing career out of it.
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