David Diga Hernandez is a man of inspiration, a man filled with hope, and a man on a mission to create hope in others. He’s an evangelist, healing minister, author, and YouTuber – and is a unique and emerging spiritual leader, called to take God’s saving and healing power to this generation.
“The true gospel, unaltered and un-compromised, delivered through the channels that Gen Z and millennials frequent is what will reach these generations, and transform them. The same gospel that worked for the early Church is the same gospel we need today – delivered through modern means but backed by the same power of the Holy Spirit. Only the presence of the Holy Spirit can satisfy the deepest longing of the human soul.”
David has leveraged the power of the Internet to create an incredible, international brand that reaches hundreds of thousands of viewers and listeners each week. Approximately 60% of the ministry’s audience is 35 and younger, with a distribution by country of 80% US, with the remainder in other English-speaking locations like the Philippines and Nigeria.
David explains,
My team and I have this phrase: People no longer stroll down the street; they scroll down the feed. The social media feed is the new sidewalk. The challenge, of course, is over-saturation. There are so many messages being communicated so often and on so many platforms that people have trouble processing everything. This is one of the many reasons why, again, we shouldn’t alter the gospel message. Only the gospel can cut through the noise and ring so true. Amidst all the confusion and content, the gospel rises and pierces the heart. Social media and now even Web3 – have the potential to reach more people than ever before. Compare the reach of social media with, say, televangelism of the 80s and 90s. A top rated program, in prime time, on a premiere christian network, would reach maybe 100,000 people in its half hour runtime. And it would cost tens of thousands of dollars for that half hour. But now, everyone has distribution. The moment you go online, you’re available globally.
God called David to be a minister when he was 13 years old, and since his youth, his mission has been to leverage technology to further his work.
David explains, “The ‘industry’ is showing a lot of potential with the rise of social media use. Newer, modern technology can be used to spread the message of the gospel further than ever before. A new ‘breed’ of ‘TV Preachers’ is rising… We can change our methods without having to change our message. But since it’s easier than ever to have a media platform, it’s harder than ever to break through the noise.”
But David has a single mission: to preach the Gospel of Jesus Christ as simply, powerfully, and efficiently as possible, to as many people as possible. “Now, if I create the right kind of content and understand a platform’s algorithm, I could potentially reach millions of people for only a few thousand dollars worth of production. The efficiency of evangelism has increased exponentially because of the internet. I think we’re poised for viral revival.”
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