Overcoming quarantine anxiety and depression can be difficult. Last year Alexandra Creteau and David Murrietta Jr created a video on what you can do during a pandemic to stay stress-free and lessen your distress. However, many of their followers kept asking questions: How to overcome anxiety and depression? How to make the new year happier and stress-free? How to handle dark moments during Depression and anxiety? So, we decided to ask them to share more tips via this blog post.
Alexandra Creteau is a famous influencer & actress with Russian roots, having over 314K followers on her Instagram: @alexandracreteau. David Murrietta Jr is an actor and fashion & lifestyle influencer with half Mexican and half Korean blood. You can find David on Instagram: @david_murrietta. He just recently hit 78K followers.
If you are into creative couple ideas, tours, and problem-solving, we got you covered. Alexandra Creteau and David Murrietta Jr have come forward with film couple-vlogs that you will find interesting.
Today, we will walk you through the four best strategies that you can use to drain the stress, depression, and anxiety out of your life. Overcoming anxiety and depression is not an easy task, but it can get possible to overcome if you use the right strategies.
Let’s start with a little discussion about how depression and anxiety are now common problems, more than ever. The pandemic has been the critical factor behind mental health difficulties. The orders for staying at home have affected not only the economy but also the human lifestyle. Most people have left their routine workout and regular meetings with friends and family. All this has been hard for our brains, especially when forced to abandon the human’s dearest activity – socialization. Although tech cannot replace reality, it can be a useful tool during trying times for communication.
With that said, let’s uncover the strategies that can overcome anxiety and depression by Alexandra Creteau and David Murrietta Jr.
#1 Overcome Anxiety and Depression by Positive Thought:
Alexandra: “Thoughts play a very significant role. If you think about something negative, you may develop more such thoughts. It is like a vicious circle that keeps growing more trouble every time you do it. Negative thoughts trigger anxiety and depression in our brains. Naturally, our mental wellbeing is at risk. Such ideas may even create trouble in your relations. What you can do about it is that you should stop overthinking. Start by telling yourself to stop thinking about it. Refresh and get inspired by what is around you. If you are worried about something, don’t bother wasting your time worrying about it; instead, find a way out.”
#2 Positive Physical Reaction to Control Depression and Anxiety:
David: “To me, the workout is one of the essential lifestyle habits that I have developed over time. It helps me breathe freely, improves my confidence, and motivates me to focus on my targets.
At the beginning of the pandemic, when stay at home order was issued, I thought this might be like a vacation. But in two weeks, I realized that it completely reorganized my lifestyle, and my body was adapting to it. I was feeling worn out and stressed about what was happening around me. So, we decided that we would prepare a schedule, and we did. We started the day with breakfast together. I included a time for a workout. I also added some meditation. Of course, we left room for entertainment – Netflix. But, honestly, this idea alone put us right back on track.”
Alexandra: “Yeah, the idea really helped us. It made us think about our targets. We started the Dalex Vlogs Channel on Youtube.”
#3 Control Your Emotions and Feelings:
Alexandra: “Emotions can play an essential role in determining the state of your mental health. If you focus on negative thoughts way too much, you will end up conceiving a circle of negative ideas around you.
So, it is vital to divert your focus on something else; an easy way is by keeping yourself busy doing something new. Read a book or learn a new skill. Create an online business or work as a freelancer. The possibilities are endless. Doing this will help you keep the positive mindset that a healthy person has.”
David: “Remember this; it is okay to have feelings about our situation. Quarantine anxiety and depression are common. But concentrating on routine tasks can actually help you usher productivity. Always keep in mind that we all are in this together. And hopefully, it will end soon.”
#4 Positive Behavioral Awareness:
David: “Behavioral awareness means the way we react to the circumstances or environment. Most of the feelings that we have during quarantine are experiences that we never had before. The pandemic also creates different thoughts in our brains. Chances are, we will end up having anxiety and depression.”
Alexandra: “It is important to note that, during the pandemic, some of our feeling components can be harmful while others can be beneficial. Everything is natural, so there is no need to worry.”
David: “So, what we have to do is that we have to create a support system that focuses on the positive feeling. You can use zoom calls, text messages, DMs, or going live on Instagram with friends to stay happy and focused.
You can also help people during these times to stay motivated. Helping others can make you happy and help you stay motivated – it is human psychology.
People can also fall victim to depression and anxiety because of their eating and sleeping behaviors. Diet can change your brain. So, it is significant to have positive behaviors, especially during the quarantine, to stay healthy. You can use exercise or workout to end the negative impressions. Likewise, meditation can also help you boost your mood. We believe that whatever works for you is the best way to solve the problems in the pandemic.”
Activities That you can do to Overcome Anxiety and Depression:
David: “Workout is the best boost you can get. It grooves you and your body. Also, Give emotional support to your partner, friends, and family. Always remember, you are not alone; we are all in this.”
Alexandra: “Find something new and challenging to do.”
We hope that this article answers your queries and gives you valuable information that will help you overcome the quarantine anxiety and depression. If you like our articles, please tell us in the comments and check out video on the topic on Dalex Vlogs Youtube channel.
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