Ever wondered what it is like to be a music influencer? We caught up with popular Spanish artist David Revuelta to find out.
The modern dream of working from home for all of Gen Z tends to become a social media influencer. While it might seem like a dream lifestyle, becoming a social media influencer is not without hard work. The influencer is constantly on the lookout for things to fill the demand for new content. Creating new content every day takes both time and inspiration. Unfortunately, sometimes neither of those things are in supply.
To find out what it was like to be a music influencer, we caught up with famous Spanish music creator David Revuelta. With hundreds of thousands of followers across multiple social media platforms, thousands of monthly Spotify listeners, and a bright future ahead of him. David seems precisely the right person to ask about what it means to be a music influencer.
A day in the life of a music influencer
What is it like to be a music influencer? Here is what a typical day looks like for David Revuelta.
The morning starts at 7:00 AM for David Revuelta. He immediately goes to his home studio to start work. Before he is even finished boiling the kettle for a cup of coffee, he switches on his computers and lets his messages roll in. It takes about 2 hours before he manages to catch up with all the messages, follows, and likes that have come in while he has been asleep.
Once the coffee has been made, he then spends a further hour responding to emails. As a self-made man, communicating with the various platforms where he showcases his work is critical. After breakfast, around 9 am, David Revuelta then hits the power button on the laptop and switches focus to new content.
As a content creator, David needs to create videos and images suitable for his social media following. Each site needs to be posted at least three times per day. Once the day’s posts have been created, it’s already time for lunch.
The Afternoons and Evenings
David Revuelta then goes to his studio to create the music which has made him famous. He puts anything from 3 – 10 hours a day into creating songs. After that, he either finishes because he feels frustrated by a lack of progress, or he finished the project. Sometimes, this means staying up long beyond good sense before the project is completed.
Evenings are either spent working or with friends. However, it is essential to Revuelta that he often sees other performers, as this keeps him networking with other Spanish musicians.
When we asked him about his weekends, he wanted to know what we meant. As a self-employed mastermind musician, David says weekends are for people that can afford to take them. So you will find him hard at work in the studio, rain, hail, or shine. When an artist works this hard, it’s one part passion and one part obsession… and there’s nothing wrong with that.
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