Dr. Amir Feily has been utilizing a treatment for melasma that permanently eliminates the hyperpigmentation condition.
Melasma is a common acquired skin disorder that presents as a bilateral, blotchy, brownish facial pigmentation.
Melasma is more common in women than in men, with an onset typically between the ages of 20 and 40 years.
Melasma often result from Sun exposure, Hormones — pregnancy and the use of oestrogen/progesterone-containing oral contraceptives, intrauterine devices, implants, and also hormone replacement therapy.
Additionally, thyroid disorders can be associated with melasma. Notably some medications, toiletries, and cosmetics may cause a phototoxic reaction to trigger melasma too. Melasma can have a severe impact on quality of life due to its visibility.
Although a combination of treatment has been generally used but most of them have been unsuccessful and there has not been effective treatment available. Aggressive treatments such as chemical peels and lasers can be used with caution but carry a risk of worsening melasma or causing post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation. Accordingly, Dr. Amir Feily have tried to find a very effective way for treating melasma by laser without fear of hyperpigmentation after the procedure.
Dr. Amir Feily has successfully invented an extremely effective treatment without any complication, and he think it can be a healing to the millions of women and even men who suffer the condition.
The technique uses ablative fractional laser by variety of modes and setting that can eliminate the pigmentation without the risk of post inflammatory hyperpigmentation. Additional to treat the hyperpigmentation and melasma by this suitable resurfacing method Dr. Feily highly stimulate rejuvenation for face of sun damaged patients. On completing the course of treatment, patients have smoother, pink-free skin with younger-looking complexion.
Dr. Feily claims the results are long-lasting and usually do not require additional follow up treatment. He hopes this treatment will allow melasma patients to face the world with confidence once more.
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