Even when the fitness centers were open there were enough memes going around on how people avoid moving a muscle at the gym. Leaving home was the biggest challenge to skip a workout for most of the folks out there. But, the pandemic has made sure that everyone has a strong enough excuse to not leave home.
Yes, we agree that not going out of your house is a step to fight the virus but staying indoors can give you some serious workout FOMO. On a given ‘normal day’ at his gym, Omkar Singh would recommend leaving the home and hitting the gym every day, without fail.
Even when people are restricted to move out, Omkar talks to his clients and asks them to dump the fear of missing out on workouts and stay fit while staying at home.
Omkar is a trainer to fitness enthusiasts who are super serious about staying in shape. “I see exercising as a way to clear your head and not just aching those muscles with one rep after the other,” says Omkar. At his gym, Evolve Fitness and Wellness, Omkar Singh maintains a curriculum for each client. But as the world stays home, he stays online.
From teaching beginners to helping fitness freaks, Omkar does is in touch with his clients through technology. “It is impossible for me to see a person quitting on their fitness journey because they cannot move out of the house,” says Omkar.
He is right. There is definitely some space between the work from home things that we do and also some space for exercise. Using the terrace is a brilliant way to keep social distance and work out in the open air. Omkar has bundled all kinds of workouts and made videos to help his clients access quality fitness training, anytime.
While staying home, most of us crave sweets, shakes, cakes, and everything that is not so sinful. This is natural. In these times when stress and anxiety are at their peak, the mind tends to play tricks on us for the kick of dopamine from the sugar.
Omkar shares nutrition tips and healthy alternatives to unhealthy snacks. He explains that diet is such a big part of looking good and being fit that one cannot binge eat just because they are stressed. He does live sessions for a high-intensity workout, core workout, chair workout, bodyweight training, Tabata, and more. These live sessions invite questions from participants, which Omkar answers with patience. So, staying at home can also be staying fit at home. Especially when you have a trainer like Omkar.
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