Entrepreneurial flair is a quality that can often be spotted in the early lives of budding businessmen. For digital marketer Dylan Ogline, this manifested itself through selling cell phones when he was just 14. This would be the first business set up by a high school drop-out who, against all the odds, would go on to create a seven-figure digital marketing agency with over a million dollars in sales three years running.
The rising star owns digital marketing agency Ogline Digital, and is a leading expert in direct response advertising and business growth. The agency aims to provide businesses with the means for explosive growth using digital advertising solutions – applying lessons from Ogline’s years of trial and error in trying to master the same thing.
Ogline subscribes to the belief that digital marketing should never be about trying to convince a customer to buy a product or service, but that it should be about putting it in front of the perfect client. Fascinated by the idea that the right marketing could present people with services and products they didn’t even realize they needed, Ogline channeled the passion he discovered in his teen years and put it into action. His genuine fervour for the trade is palpable, “It’s no longer an unknown where more sales can come from. You can just buy it and that blew me away.”
But despite giving the outward appearance of an overnight success, the climb up the proverbial ladder wasn’t a smooth road. In 2016, Ogline was working on more than ten business projects and was nearly a million dollars in debt. But by narrowing his focus and honing in on his strengths he managed to double the business within one year, and four years on Ogline Digital continues to reap the successes.
Some may be familiar with the mantra that helping others find success does not take away from your own, and that’s exactly what Ogline has turned his attentions to with Agency 2.0 – a training program designed to help others find the same success he did by helping them start and grow their own digital marketing agency. He discovered a passion for passing on his wisdom and helping others when they approached him for mentorship and advice, allowing him to access “another level of personal fulfillment.”
Now more than ever, business owners are expected to be a “Jack of all trades,” requiring cutting-edge marketing and digital skills. Ogline recognized how the unknowns of the industry could be daunting to newcomers, explaining that you wouldn’t expect someone who has never seen a car before to know how to start the engine.
Taking the lessons he learned in his own journey to success, the program aims to equip up-and-comers like him with the skills and mental reprogramming necessary to make it. His program is constantly evolving and gives students the best chances at keeping up with an ever-changing market, which now operates with more precision and targeting than ever according to Ogline.
The grind has paid off as Ogline has established himself as one to watch in the field of digital marketing, with his own business being the proof that he can do the same for others.
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