Elon Musk and the Power of Networking

Elon Musk

Okay, so here’s a crazy story that illustrates the power of networking. One of the people on my hit list of guests to have on my podcast is the real life iron man, Elon Musk. Problem. He’s a very busy guy! Anyway, without thinking too much about how crazy it is to think that Elon Musk—one of the busiest guys on earth—will care to come on my podcast show, I posted the following on Facebook:

 Trying to get Elon Musk on my show. Can anyone make it happen?

 That post got over 60 comments and a ton of engagement. One guy shared it on his page and in all the groups he was in. People were offering all sorts of ways to get in touch with him, but nothing really promising until one guy says, “I think I can help … send me a PM.”

I sent him a PM.

 Here’s the conversation. I’m in italics. 

Hi “Anonymous”

Good morning Mr. Gefen.

Can you make this morning a REALLY good morning?

What can I do for you?

I’m trying to get Elon Musk on my show.

Are you able to make an intro to Elon?

He’s the dental patient of my mentor. Always comes in to get dental work.

No way.


With someone like him, that is the BEST time to catch him. Because any other time he is on the move being modern day tony stark.

Always working. But when he’s at the dentist, he is forced to cooperate and stay seated. Ha-ha.

And he can’t move for an hour. It’s true bro.

So can you make it happen?

I can introduce you to my mentor. Actually, there’s a way to do this properly.

You’d have to interview me. I send the link to my mentor and tell him that you want to interview him next.

Then after your interview with him you can politely ask him. Say it’s your dream to interview Elon Musk.

And don’t say anything about him being a patient. Because that would be a turn off. 

Let he mention to you saying, “Oh, he’s my patient! I have his cell number.”


And that’s how I networked my way to being mentored by two billionaires at age 14.

Making me a millionaire before 18.

Bring VALUE to the person, and the opportunity is limitless.

Wow, thank you so much

Please send me your bio

Chat conversation end


Isn’t that insane?  One post on Facebook and now I have access to Elon Musk through his dentist! The story doesn’t end there. I did a Facebook Live video to tell this story and someone watching commented, “One of my clients sits on the board of Space X with Elon.” This is the power of networking! We often talk ourselves out of doing things.

 “I could never get in touch with Elon Musk.”

“I could never earn a million/billion dollars.”

“It’s impossible, I’m not good enough. ”

 It’s all nonsense.

 People are chasing the wrong things. They chase money. Money comes and goes. Your network is your most valuable asset. If Mark Cuban went bankrupt today, I guarantee that tomorrow he would be on his way to making millions, through his network.  If you have a strong network, then the money will follow and you will always be able to rely on it as long as you keep the relationships alive. 

For updates to the story of how I get in touch with Elon Musk follow me on social, and join my network. 


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