“A woman with a voice is by definition a strong woman. But the search to find that voice can be remarkably difficult.” – Melinda Gates
If we were to turn the history books of India, we will find that every page would bear witness to the wit and grit of women, showing exemplary life and the tremendous change that they brought. None of us can deny the strength and courage that the woman folk of our nation possesses.
Yet their voice gets lost, and the struggle to find it has been real. If only we could empower them to find it and create a space for them to voice out them, our communities, society, and the nation will never be the same. A business tycoon realized this very truth ever since he began in the entrepreneurial journey and has ensured that he recognized and uplifted women’s talents at every step of his way.
Dr. KV Satish, the chairman-founder of DS-MAX Properties Pvt Ltd, wears many hats – philanthropist, businessman, and entrepreneur and has always been a trendsetter. He has been recognized for his values and ethics, which echoes his belief in the equality of genders in his organization and the power of creating a work environment where there are equal opportunities and recognitions.
DS-MAX, the Realty and Developers company, has been in the industry for over 14 years and their exceptional accomplishments are noteworthy. Being relatively new in the market 14 years ago did not stop Mr. Satish from reaching for the stars when he delivered over 20000+ homes in less than a decade and a half.
Being an organization with such a performance record, Dr. Satish shares with us the secret to his success – A work culture that appreciates and empowers the womenfolk- a space where their opinions matter, roles are valued and appreciated. Often in his weekly audio messages, he appreciates them for their extraordinary work and their courage to withstand every obstacle.
Dr. Satish also shared with us about his soon-to-launch initiative Dare to Dream, which aims to empower women from all sectors and backgrounds to achieve their dreams and fulfill their passion and purpose. This is a revolutionary movement to give power to the women of our nation to redefine their lives.
His awards and recognitions are a testament to the impact of this work culture and the company’s ethics. A few to mention of the many awarded for their outstanding contributions in the realty sector are – Real Estate Developer of the Year (Bangalore), Emerging Developer of the year – West Bangalore, THE GREAT SON OF KARNATAKA AWARD, ARCH OF EXCELLENCE AWARD, Fastest Growing Indian Construction Company Excellence Award, ‘Young Achiever of the Year (Karnataka) Award’, INTERNATIONAL GOLD STAR AWARD, BHARAT EXCELLENCE AWARD, Indian Award for Excellence in Realty- Award.
This Realty company is set to make records not just in the real estate industry but in unexplored avenues and more with their initiatives and schemes that solely contribute to our women’s empowerment.
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