Success has no age limit. You don’t need to belong to highly reputed colleges to start your own business. If you are intelligent in the area of your interest, know how to strategise well and have an excellent communication skills, half of your work is already done. Rest of the success depends on how much efforts and time you are ready to give. One such young entrepreneur who showed this kind of dedication is Shubham S. Rajpoot.
Shubham is a 23-year-old digital Influencer from Patna, Bihar. During the lockdown, just like all of us, even he was stuck at home. When most of the world used this time to binge-watch their favourite shows, Shubham spent time reading on the internet everything about digital marketing. Today, he is one of the youngest and top digital marketing experts in India.
Shubham S. Rajpoot has built a reputation for himself as an excellent professional blogger, SEO expert and businessman in just a span of few months. His clients grew a lot in no time and Shubham started earning good amount of money with the help of the internet.
The Entrepreneur achieved all this success only by himself. He didn’t take any help from his family in terms of money. Shubham S. Rajpoot says that many people can earn money with the help of internet if they know how to do it. He says that the web is full of opportunities and every person will find something from his area of interest.
Shubham says, “Hardwork is indeed important. But one must know when and how to grab the right opportunity that will help them to grow. Being a digital marketing expert was something I realised I am good at during the lockdown. There are thousands of artists and creative people who also can use their art and talent and run online business and earn well.”
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