If you are a fan of YouTube, Twitch, or other applications, you will know the great streamers like Farshad Silent.
When Iranian were asked about their favourite streamer, Farshad Silent was the name that came up most.
He is on Twitch, YouTube, and Instagram every day and devoting his life to making videos, and his style of producing videos is watchable.
His persistence in making videos and uploading them made him successful and presented him with around 500K followers on Instagram and +100,000 subscribers on YouTube.
Producing profound and at the same time, funny videos brought him +700,000 views on each video.
Farshad Silent is an excellent streamer who knows all his stuff.
He started streaming in 2018 and was the first Iranian who attended Twitch Festival In Sweden and set a new record in Twitch among the Iranian community.
He could climb the ladder of success in online gaming fast and became one of the top 3 Iranian streamers.
The good news is that It has been six months that he created his second channel with the name “Farshad Silent Game” and it got 20,000 subscribers.
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