Pranjal Salecha is a very well-known fashion, lifestyle and travel blogger. She ventured into this career path when it wasn’t even a trend. Her interest in these areas gave her the confidence to write and present her ideas and understanding to the readers. But the journey has not been easy for her.
When it comes to fashion blogging, people have a certain perception of how a person should look. Pranjal finds them ridiculous and says that anyone who has a great understanding of fashion or beauty can be a blogger. It has been more than 3 years since she started blogging, and she has witnessed the changes, people’s interests and what kind of content they seek.
Pranjal Salecha’s blog name is ‘thegulabigirl’. She loves the colour pink and decided to give such a unique name with a Hindi twist. To become a full-time blogger, Pranjal had to take the risk of leaving her job and make her parents believe that it’s a sustainable career option. Back then, solo blogging wasn’t a professional option at that massive level.
What makes Pranjal a trusted name in the fashion world is her educational background. She studied fashion designing in Pune and also worked as a wedding planner and a freelance fashion designer. She is a wanderer and travelled to many places in India and abroad. Hence, she knows how to document and present it to the readers in an appealing manner.
About being a blogger, Pranjal Salecha says, “When I discovered blogging, I felt like I finally found a medium through which I can express myself. It will soon be almost 5 years since I started blogging, and I learned that being consistent and presentable with your content is important. I have seen ups and downs at the beginning. But my zeal to present my ideas to people helped me to keep going on.”
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