Finance Lobby Brings Desperately Needed Convenience to the Commercial Real Estate World

Not only is finding the right commercial real estate for your business a technically complicated endeavor; it requires a great deal of thinking, planning and careful selection – not to mention it can be a rollercoaster of emotions.

Like finding the perfect home, it can be extraordinarily stressful and take away from the other things you might be hoping to accomplish.

At the heart of this issue is an utter lack of convenience.  There are just too many parts of the process that aren’t connected. Inefficiency rules the day.

Unfortunately, the commercial real estate industry has lagged painfully behind in terms of streamlining and simplifying the workflow.

For most buyers, sellers, and brokers, the process of finding a property, securing financing and all of the other minutia involved can be absolutely mind-numbing. The industry has all but gotten used to it, throwing their hands up in surrender and saying, “it is what it is”.

It doesn’t have to be that way though.

This is why Finance Lobby exists. The company offers a digital marketplace that connects brokers, borrowers, and lenders across the complex and fragmented landscape.

What does that mean in practice? You’re connecting and communicating with only counterparts capable of doing the unique deal. This significantly decreases the time brokers spend searching for the right lender, and lenders devote to looking for the right deal. In turn, Finance Lobby increases the likelihood of closing quickly and critically, foregoing weeks of wasted time on mismatches.

As the company explains, “with Finance Lobby, you’ll never invest time in a dead-end deal again.”

In an industry that has been generally devoid of efforts to make the deal flow process convenient and easy, Finance Lobby stands alone and is making significant waves. The company is already closing in on 2,000 lenders on its platform and an actively growing user base.

It’s easy to see why.

Lender benefits include:

  • Never missing a potential deal with real-time notifications when a deal meets their criteria.
  • Creating the most tailored, competitive quotes possible by getting upfront access to all the information from a broker that would make or break a deal.

Broker benefits include:

  • Get 1,000’s of eyes on every loan request to land the terms that matter most to their clients.

Classic win-win.

Finance Lobby is the online marketplace for commercial real estate lending that makes it easy for commercial lenders and commercial mortgage brokers to find and close on perfect-fit deals.

Finance Lobby CMO Kelly Wagman explains, “digital marketplaces are changing the way we purchase everything from cars to homes to vacations. And now, they’re shaking up the commercial real estate world, too.”

Wagman continues,

We already have 2,000 lenders on the Finance Lobby CRE Financing Marketplace, covering every state and county in the U.S. Now, brokers get competitive quotes from numerous sources – leading to the exact deal they want. Lenders gain access to a virtually unlimited number of opportunities all in one place.

Learn more at

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