Becoming successful is about more than just how much money you are making or what your title is. A professional who is truly successful in their career or business is going to also be able to enjoy life, have meaningful connections, and live a life he or she can be proud of.
Founders Professional VP of Lawyers Professional Liability Raffi Kodikian knows how hard it is to work to a place of true success and find the edge that sets you apart. He suggests professionals focus on a multi-faceted approach when it comes to being an agent in the midst of a tech age.
Take Pride in Your Work
To become a great insurance salesman and successful professional, you need to have integrity and passion. When you do a job, says Raffi Kodikian, you should feel proud of the work you are doing. Not only should your job be something you can get excited about—the actual work you are putting in should be your very best effort.
In many cases, the top reasons for disinterest include low salary, a difficult workplace, or a job you don’t feel passionate about. If you are struggling to find a strong work ethic, you might need to pursue a different career or work environment.
Know Your Product (And Your Customer)
Selling something like insurance can mean complex products that are often difficult to understand. One thing that people can do better than machines is connected with others. You can answer the questions your clients aren’t even asking (but should be). When you know your product and your customer, you will be able to offer that personal edge.
Your customers don’t want to surf a website and make sure they are asking Google the right questions about coverage needs. They rely on you to guide them as the expert. To keep the edge, don’t be browsing the same sites and descriptions they have in order to answer their questions (poorly). Know your products before anyone comes knocking and know your customers before they sit down to chat.
Keep Business Short
Form a personal connection with your clients that isn’t centered completely around business. It helps if you can find common ground on something like golf, fishing, sports, cooking, or anything else your client likes to do in their free time.
They are inundated with cold calls and marketing messages all workday long. Be the breath of fresh air and have your suggestions be short, insightful and straight to the point. Don’t sell them on something, but help them find solutions they truly need.
Stay Educated on Updates and Tactics
The world is changing too quickly to stay in one place for long. Spend time every year learning new things about how to sell to your clients or what tools you can use to help them. You won’t be the best if you are stuck on old tactics or processes. If you aren’t up to date on the latest policies or laws, you could end up giving your clients bad advice.
There are so many digital tools out there to help increase your success and ability to communicate. With the right things in place, it’s easier than ever to track your activity and follow up with potential leads.
Learn from the Best (And Then Teach)
Raffi Kodikian wouldn’t be where he is today if he didn’t have some incredible mentors and supportive teams along the way. It takes a whole group to make up a successful company. Try to take advantage of any opportunities to learn and grow from those around you. And then, make sure you are giving back by being a mentor to someone else.
It may not feel like you are doing much at all, says Raffi Kodikian, but being a positive voice of encouragement and friendly critique can help someone in the industry learn how to be a better team player. The more people get on board, the better the whole group is.
Enjoy Your Free Time
In order to enjoy your free time, you have to HAVE the free time. Raffi Kodikian says professionals need to guard their free time and do something unrelated to work when they have it. Whether it is spending time with the family, golfing, gardening, lounging at the lake, or taking a long walk on a nature trail—there are too many wonderful things that get ignored in the name of business.
Your mind needs to relax and your body needs to stay strong. Raffi Kodikian says many fun activities can also include other benefits that help you have the edge when it comes to business. Not only could you learn a new way to connect with a client, but you will also be more alert because your brain is sharper after the mental break.
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